What Happens When Real Lesbians Watch Lesbian Porn

Though it comes as no surprise to nearly every woman on the planet that porn is not geared towards us whatsoever, it’s always nice to know that not just straight porn is as off-putting as it is unrealistic. And whether it’s getting penetrated by a shoe, taking six fingers at once, or faking orgasms left and right — lesbian porn has it covered on the “let’s make sure that only straight men will ever enjoy or believe this” front.

Here, a few actual lesbians react to the circus that is the porn industry’s interpretation of their sexuality. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJvYprLDcRs&w=594&h=375%5D

About the author

Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

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