Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
25 Sobering Questions That Will Tell You Whether Or Not Your Relationship Is Going To Work Out
When you’re trying to determine whether or not a relationship is “right” for you, the reality is that you already know the answer – sometimes you just need to hear the question posed in a different way to really acknowledge it.
How Each Of The 8 ‘Abundance Archetypes’ Subconsciously Limits Their Own Success
There are a whole host of reasons that people keep themselves in lack and struggle, and recognizing which way you limit yourself is ultimately how you free yourself for good.
6 Zodiac Pairings That Have A Deeper Connection Than Everyone Else
A Gemini and Aquarius balance one another’s extremes. Whereas the Gemini can be indecisive and scattered, the Aquarius is determined and tunnel visioned.
12 Reasons Why ‘Deep Thinkers’ Have The Hardest Time Falling In Love
Deep thinkers exist because they are most in love with the worlds they can create within their minds. When a reality they choose disrupts their fantasies, it can be traumatizing.
What Your ‘Lunar Personality’ (The Moon Phase You Were Born In) Says About Your Major Purpose In Life
Your astrological sign may cover the positioning of the planets at the time of your birth, but it doesn’t cover one of the most potent energy fields on Earth: the moon phase you were born in.
20 Things You Should Know About The Girl Who Wants To Spend Her 20s Working On Herself
She’s living as other people won’t so she can live as other people can’t.
10 Signs You’re Not Lazy, You’re ‘Selectively Motivated’ – And That’s A Good Thing
You’re not afraid to give up on what’s not working.
16 Love Blocks People Develop That Keep Them From Being With Their Forever Person
If you keep ending up in a certain relationship pattern, there’s a reason. Become conscious of it and choose differently.
The Real Way To Know You’ve Found Your Soulmate That Nobody Talks About
The person who makes you more of who you really are is the one you’re meant for.
The Most Common Sign Of A Toxic Relationship Is That You’re Totally In Denial About It
Toxic relationships poison you slowly and quietly. That’s what makes them so dangerous.
7 Ways All Of Your Problems Stem From Being A Low-Key Perfectionist
The funniest thing about perfectionists is that they rarely realize they’re perfectionists.
The Best Boyfriends Know Little Gestures Mean More Than Anything Else
The best boyfriends are not the ones who make sweeping statements and grand gestures.
10 Reasons Why Old Souls Experience So Much Resistance When They Start To Get What They Want
Old souls are sensitive, hyper self-aware, intuitive and, well, experienced. They’ve been through a lot, and that’s what’s made them who they are.
Newsflash: You Don’t Have To Travel The World To Figure Out Who You Are
Traveling is a privilege, not a rite of passage.
Just So You Know: You’re Only Failing According To Social Media
The generations prior to ours had a radically different idea of what “success” is. Our grandparents aspired to have a home, keep food on the table, and find a life partner.
Actually, You Don’t Have To ‘Love Yourself’ Perfectly Before You Can Find The Partner You Deserve
The universe is not deciding when you should get love based on how “well” you’re doing.
This Is The Difference Between Your Soulmate Connections And Your Forever Love, Because They’re Not The Same Thing
You grow up hearing the term “soulmate” being used interchangeably with “life partner,” the person you marry and want to spend the rest of your life with.
10 Differences Between Being Emotionally Dependent And Actually In Love
You’re engaging with life more, as opposed to withdrawing from it because you’re in a relationship.