Becca Martin

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If You Look At Her And Don’t Feel Blessed, Let Her Go

If you don’t feel blessed to have her in your life, through the good and the bad times, let her go because she is not your blessing to have. She is another man’s blessing and you are holding her back from what she truly deserves.

In Losing You, I Found Myself

This doesn’t mean I forgot about you, it doesn’t mean I don’t have times where I miss you, it doesn’t mean that I replaced you, it simply means I finally started enjoying my own company. It means I started finding my own way and became comfortable with being alone.


You’re allowed to not be okay, as long as you don’t stop along the way and decide getting back up isn’t worth it.

Thank You For Loving Me, Despite Being My Biggest Heartbreak

I don’t miss you, per say, I think about you, but I don’t cry over you anymore. Instead I keep your memory near my heart, I keep it there when I feel alone in the world and I relish in the fact that despite everything I know what it feels like to have been loved in a world that can be so cold.