Becca Martin
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I Love You, But I Need You To Let Me Go
I just need a step back, I need to regain my life and I need to stop loving someone who is so painfully toxic for me.
9 Simple Options: The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Dating
Look for someone in your life who’s also single and could potentially have interest in you. Maybe they used to like you or they asked you out on a date once five years ago when you were both drunk.
If You Look At Her And Don’t Feel Blessed, Let Her Go
If you don’t feel blessed to have her in your life, through the good and the bad times, let her go because she is not your blessing to have. She is another man’s blessing and you are holding her back from what she truly deserves.
The Person Who Broke You Can’t Be The One To Fix You
The person who broke you cannot fix you, but you can fix yourself. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for so please don’t give up.
What It Feels Like When Your ‘Almost Relationship’ Ends
But he doesn’t come back; in fact he barely even looked back at the wreck he left behind because to him it wasn’t a big deal. To him you weren’t really dating so why should it matter that much?
The Ultimate Bucket List: 50 Things For The Adventurous Soul To Do Before You Die
Sleep in an igloo in Canada
The Girl Who Is Always Single Won’t Be Easy To Love, But She Will Be Worth It
Bear with her because the girl who is always single will love the hell out of you, but it just might take her a little more time to get comfortable with you.
15 Dead Giveaway Signs He’s Not That Into You (And Probably Never Will Be)
There are people who just aren’t into you, no matter how much you convince yourself the signs are there, and you know what? That’s okay because you don’t want a love that is forced. You deserve so much more than that.
You Will Meet Someone Who Will Shatter All Your Expectations For Love
Sometimes it’s not about what we want at all; sometimes we fall for people who we had no intentions of falling for and out of that the most beautiful, real love is born.
17 Things About Traveling The World I Wish Someone Had Told Me Earlier
Traveling alone might seem scary, but it’s not as bad as it seems. You’ll meet tons of friends along the way for the most part and rarely be on your own unless you actually want to be.
31 One-Sentence Ways To Say ‘I Appreciate You’ To Your Man
At the end of a long day all I need is you to feel better.
In Losing You, I Found Myself
This doesn’t mean I forgot about you, it doesn’t mean I don’t have times where I miss you, it doesn’t mean that I replaced you, it simply means I finally started enjoying my own company. It means I started finding my own way and became comfortable with being alone.
You’re allowed to not be okay, as long as you don’t stop along the way and decide getting back up isn’t worth it.
This Is What It Means To Date A Girl Who Can Only Love Deeply
When you love me, love all of me or none of me, but don’t drag me along with no intentions of catching me when I fall because I will fall.
50 Heartfelt Texts To Send Your Significant Other (That Aren’t ‘I Love You’)
You never have to go through it alone, you’ve got me.
I’ll Keep This Simple: I Miss You
I miss the way your brown eyes looked into mine, it was like no matter what you were reassuring me that everything was going to be okay.
Thank You For Loving Me, Despite Being My Biggest Heartbreak
I don’t miss you, per say, I think about you, but I don’t cry over you anymore. Instead I keep your memory near my heart, I keep it there when I feel alone in the world and I relish in the fact that despite everything I know what it feels like to have been loved in a world that can be so cold.
I Want To Love You, But I’m Scared You’ll Leave
I know I would love sleeping with your warm body by my side, but part of me will always wonder when the time will be up and I’ll be sleeping alone again.