Kovie Biakolo
Former Senior Writer & Cultural Advocate at Thought Catalog • Buy Conversations for Smart People • Connect on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram
25 Signs You Are The Kind Of Woman The World Is Scared Of
1. You have a lot of opinions about a lot of things, and you just can’t keep them to yourself.
7 Specific Types Of Single Girls You Will Definitely Meet In Chicago
Enjoy having mildly interesting conversations about absolutely nothing.
24 Struggles All Third Culture Kids Understand
1. The question, “Where are you from?” is the most annoying, nerve-wrecking, anxiety-inducing question someone can ask you.
10 Struggles Of Being An International Student
You know who you shouldn’t tell you’re homesick to? An international student.
7 Things People Say About Racism That Proves Simple B*tch Hell Exists
1. “I don’t see race. I am colorblind.” Okay, seriously how did this bullshit start? Why does it take your refusal to see someone as the color that they are, for you to treat them as a human being?
7 Types Of Single Guys You Will Definitely Meet In Chicago
Try not to be too unimpressed when your first date involves him screaming GO CUBS GO
31 Things Only True Chicagoans Will Understand
There is no such thing as “The subway.”
For Those Who Don’t Love Loudly
So never believe that a love that isn’t loud, is a love that isn’t there.
26 Reasons The Final Months Of Grad School Are The Absolute Worst
“A car running over me but not killing me actually doesn’t sound too bad right about now.”
24 Signs You Are SAF (Single As F#%K)
No one. Zero. Nada.
Revolutionize Your Love Life: Tell People You Like Them
Get your feelings hurt. Get your egos bruised. Get called a “creep” or whatever else people will say.
18 Heartbreaking Signs You Are In An Unrequited Friendship
You often use the term “bff” to describe them. They have never used those words to describe you.
How Do We Escape Our Lives?
The very things we turned to escape to, end up owning us; we become prisoners in our own lives.
10 Reasons To Choose Chicago Over Any Other City
Chi-town Stand Up!
19 Ways To Be A Likeable Woman
3. Be White.
25 Quotes For Women Who Don’t Know Their Place
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
What Is Beautiful?
Can everyone be beautiful? And if everyone is beautiful, then is anyone really beautiful?
5 Struggles Only People With Studios Understand
Still, all of the above is still better than having a roommate, am I right #studiostrugglers?