Victoria Joslin

My name is Victoria. I am a fitness addict, aspiring teacher, health enthusiast, and a self proclaimed writer.
Articles by
Victoria Joslin
When I Saw You In My Memories On Facebook
I let myself have a bad day today.
Even Though Our Journey Ended, Here Is Why I Choose To Be Thankful
Thank you for mistreating me at the end, because it reminded me that I deserve more.
I Am Teaching Myself To Be A Person
I’m teaching myself how to courageously open the door when either fulfillment or hopelessness is knocking on it.
I Am Slowly Learning To Accept The Life I’ve Been Given
I just have to live.
Just So You Know, You Deserve To Be Happy
You have full control over the wheel this life.
You Should End Up With A Guy Just Like This
You trust him enough to know that he won’t just up and leave you. Both of you are able to reconnect after a fight; you know that the relationship is more important than the little things that set you off.
You Are The Person Someone Dreams About Finding
If a person doesn’t cherish you, or if their words and behaviors make you feel even the slightest bit less about yourself, then you need to leave.
Sometimes Finding New Love Can Mend Your Broken Heart
I would be lying if I told you I was ready, because honestly, I wasn’t ready at all. My heart was still healing, still mending itself little by little.
All The Reasons I Chose You And Will Continue To Choose You
I chose you because you make me want to better myself.
This Is How You Love A Girl With A Guarded Heart
She comes off as being cold and insensitive, but I promise, she’s not. You see, when someone loves so immensely deep, to ultimately get their heart broken, everything begins to shift.
9 Things You Should Know Before Loving An Aries Woman
We are full of excitement and adventure; we yearn for the spontaneous trips. You won’t get bored, because we need constant entertainment.
To My Future Love, I Am Done Searching For You
I want to strip you of any uncertainty. I want to build you up, and make you feel like the most important person in the entire world.
Here’s What I Learned After A Year Of Being Single
I took my broken heart and transformed it into art, into something permanent. I spent this time to sit quietly and listen to my powerful insights.
9 Things You Need To Know Before Dating An Outgoing Introvert
You’ll never fall in love with anyone else quite like us.
I Need To Fully Love Myself Before I Can Fully Love You
I want you to clear me of any uncertainty and challenge me with your sanity. I want you to be completely open and honest with me. Respect me, cherish me, choose me, and love me.
This Is What Love Means
Love means knowing your partners weakness, but never taking advantage of it.
You Can’t Save Everyone Who’s Broken (And That’s Okay)
I began to crave people who desperately needed me. If they needed me then that meant I had a purpose to live. It was a fulfilling feeling to be so worthy to someone when I felt so worthless myself. If I wasn’t need then, who was I and why am I here?
Wait For The Guy Who Looks At You And Actually Sees You
Believe me when I say that there is a huge difference between being desired and being valued. The guy who calls you at midnight every Friday night like clockwork does not value you, so stop answering.