One Day, You Will Look Back On This Time, And All You Will See Is Magic Brianna Wiest “ One day, you will look back on this time, and all you will see is magic. You won’t remember how stuck you felt, or how far behind you thought you were, or what you wished you had done differently.
Don’t Let Love Slip Away Just Because You Don’t Think You’re Ready Rowan Abdelmeguid “ Love doesn’t stand in the way of you figuring out your way in life.
15 Micro-Moments That Will Prove You Are Exactly Who & Where You Need To Be In Life Kirsten Corley “ 1. When losing a friendship doesn’t mean you have gained an enemy.
What Each Zodiac Is Desperately Trying To Change About Themselves January Nelson “ TAURUS: You’re trying to work on your co-dependency. You’re learning how to spend time alone and actually enjoy the solitude.
30 Self-Care Affirmations To Help Control Your Anxiety Natisha Asbell “ In this current climate, thoughts of uncertainty, fear, and the constant hum of feeling overwhelmed have become the norm.
Date A Girl Who Actually Works On Herself Leena Lomeli “ Date a girl who sees spaces that need tending to and somehow only sees the opportunity for growth, the openness and possibility for things to feel and be better.
Read This If You’re Questioning Your Entire Existence Nida Bhimani “ Yes, everyone lives radically different lives, and to make it even more complex, our brains constantly change with the people we meet, the life experiences we have, the books we read, the movies we watch, the parts of the world…
11 Things People Don’t Realize They’re Doing Because Of Toxic Perfectionism Chrissy Stockton “ People who are affected by toxic perfectionism procrastinate working on a project they deeply care about because they are so overwhelmed with worry that once the project gets underway, their efforts won’t be good enough.