8 Red Flag Text Messages Narcissists Send You – Translated By An Expert

When the narcissist first love-bombs you, they seem to have all the time in the world to communicate with you. After they’ve “hooked” you, however, their communication patterns shift abruptly in ways that give you emotional whiplash. An expert reveals the eight most common red flag text messages from narcissists and what they really mean.

8 Dark Romance Thriller Movies About Sociopaths That Will Chill Your Bones

Some of the best thriller movies have elements of dark romance embedded within – torturous love affairs turned into torment, titillating stories of betrayal, obsession, and secrecy. They also often feature sociopathic or psychopathic characters who are manipulative, conniving, and willing to do whatever it takes to meet their personal agendas. Here are the top best dark romance thriller movies featuring sociopathic characters that will chill your bones and make your heart skip a beat. 

He Stopped Chasing Me, Why? And Now What?

Here is what to do when he stops chasing you… So the guy you’ve been seeing suddenly isn’t chasing you anymore… he seems less interested… you don’t feel like a priority… and you’re panicking and don’t know what’s going on…