5 Things Only Women Who’ve Had A Lot of Boyfriends Will Understand

Women who’ve had a lot of dating partners, boyfriends, fiancés – even in some cases, full-on husbands, have been shamed by society for a long time in contrast to their male counterparts, but it’s time to clear up some myths, double standards, and misconceptions. Here are five things only women who’ve had a lot of boyfriends will understand deeply.

5 Bizarre Myths About Single People That Need to End – According to Research

Research is showing that marriage, especially for women, does not result in greater happiness long-term, whereas single and childfree women are one of the happiest demographics. Thousands if not millions of women across social media speak out every day about “giving up” on dating and leaving the dating scene because they find the current dating pool toxic yet find themselves under the microscope under society’s scrutinizing gaze, taught to blame themselves if they choose to stay single or have high standards. Perhaps it’s time to turn our focus toward why women are finding the dating climate such an inhospitable place to pursue love, rather than shaming single women for their standards.