17 Women Describe Things That Are Not Nearly As ‘Manly’ As Guys Think They Are

Guys, take note: there are certain “manly” behaviors that are definitely not as masculine as you may think.
Guys, take note: there are certain “manly” behaviors that are definitely not as masculine as you may think.
Toxicity exists on a spectrum, but there is a set of tell-tale behaviors that can point to a core lack of empathy, entitlement, and exploitativeness that can be harmful to relationships.
While the holiday season can certainly bring feelings of joy, this time of year may not resonate with everyone in the same way.
Toxicity exists on a spectrum, but there is a set of tell-tale behaviors that can point to a core lack of empathy, entitlement, and exploitativeness that can be harmful to relationships.
We could all benefit from learning how to better identify malignant narcissistic and psychopathic traits in people, before we get involved in relationships, friendships, or workplaces that harm us.
Some narcissistic and psychopathic individuals sadistically enjoy toying with and deliberately causing pain to others.
In 2014 Dr. Phil tweeted and deleted a message that read: “If a girl is drunk, is it OK to have sex with her? Reply yes or no to @drphil #teensaccused.”
Depression is laughing at a joke someone made, smiling on the outside and pretending everything is fine. Depression isn’t always being down and sad.
“The pictures of him in the article chilled me to the bone, the guy I knew back then wasn’t there. There was just a cold blooded emptiness in his eyes.”
Ask yourself why you have your goals and dreams. Turn them over, seek where they came from. Understand if they are yours or if someone placed them there for you.
She had this one “demon” that she said followed her everywhere and hid in the bathrooms that we just called “It”.
This is one personal story of being affected by Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). If you or anyone you know would like to share your experience, please contact tellmystory@thoughtcatalog.com.
“You’re lucky you get to choose what to be upset about. Others don’t have the privilege.”
Twenty-eighteen is the year I decided to get back into reading things I didn’t have to read, and I’ve never been more glad — I got to spend the year delving into a lot of fun, thoughtful books I’d never read before (and a few I just wanted to experience all over again). What better way to end the year than rank them from best to worst?