Kimberley Chung

The girl who rambles through life
Articles by
Kimberley Chung
This Is Where I Love You
It is during such moments that I feel loved. As much as the other moments are memorable as well, these are the moments that I feel like we are truly connected with each other.
Every Practical Thing I Do Each Day To Manage My Depression
When feeling dull or weary, drink water. Maybe you won’t feel it immediately, but drinking enough water will help increase your energy levels.
6 Things You Learn From Being Raised By Parents Who You Cannot Relate To
The concept of success is up to ourselves to fill in.
You’re Not Going To Heal Until You Accept The Hardest Truth About Your Breakup
So, it’s over. This time for real.
Finding ‘The One’ Won’t Fix You, But This Will
If your own groundwork is based only on external factors, your sense of your own whole existence would disappear in a heartbeat when those same external factors disappear.
6 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Still Recovering From Being Gaslighted
You have trouble conversing as you are aware that your own words can be used against you.
To Those Who Are Afraid Of Talking About Or Expressing Their Feelings
At some point in life – with a little luck on our side – we will meet souls who try to open our hearts by pouring their hearts out in front of us.
4 Things That Have Helped Me Be Less Anxious Lately
Having an outlet to turn to when it’s too much to handle is a relief.
Stop Using People As Security Blankets
If we never learn to confront something heads-on and always hiding behind a person, we will never know how strong our capabilities are.
The Truth About Emptiness
I felt nor fear nor desire. I felt nor sadness nor joy.
30 One-Sentence Valentines To Send To Your Favorite Person
Here is a reminder that you are loved.
Meet Me In January
I am tremendously thankful for you.
4 Little Ways To Cope On A Bad Anxiety Day
Distance yourself from the chaos of your mind and give it a break by immersing into another world.
In 2019, Be Your Own Best Friend
In 2019, be your own best friend.
This Is What Friendship Is REALLY About, Because It’s Not Just Grabbing Drinks On The Weekend
Friendship is not about being polite in each other’s faces and feeling frustrated behind their backs when you don’t have the guts to tell them how you really feel.
27 Life Lessons I’ve Gained By 27
Social awareness is overrated whilst self-awareness is underrated.
I’m Not Going To Convince You To Love Me
You have no idea how much it has affected the way I viewed myself.
Never Turn Down The Chance To Travel Alone
Traveling all by yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself.