50 Thoughts That Go Through A Girl’s Mind The Moment She Realizes The Guy She Likes Might Be A Jerk

Natalie Allen
Natalie Allen

1. Please don’t be like the rest of them, please don’t be like the rest of them. Pleaassse.

2. How did I not see this coming?

3. But he is so sweet.

4. I thought I learned my lesson.

5. Maybe he is not a jerk, he’s probably just having a bad day.

6. Did he just check out that girl?

7. Maybe he is a douche disguised as a charming person.

8. Should I run for the hills or should I give him the benefit of the doubt?

9. Run

10. But he is so cute.

11. Maybe I should just walk.

12. Why is he talking about another girl?

13. Is he trying to make me jealous?

14. Am I a rebound?

15. No. No. He likes me.

16. Why can’t he stop talking about himself?

17. Please God don’t let him be another selfish a**hole.

18. I am done with them.

19. How do I tell him nicely I will not be an option?

20. Is it even worth telling him?

21. I wonder how many women he is talking to?

22. Should I ask?

23. I thought he was different.

24. Why do I always think they’re different?

25. Please prove me wrong, please.

26. Maybe it’s better to just be friends.

27. But I have enough friends.

28. Maybe I should ghost him before he ghosts me.

29. But I hate ghosting.

30. Maybe I should just tell him how I feel.

31. But that still won’t change the fact that he’s probably an a**hole.

32. Should I ask him if he’s a jerk?

33. Or maybe I should just tell him he is.

34. I knew this was too good to be true.

35. I thought he was smart, why is he being dumb?

36. What if he’s gay?

37. Should I ask him?

38. Too bad I really liked him though.

39. I need to stop falling for idiots.

40. Whatever, I’ll find someone better.

41. But why is he texting me?

42. He even used emojis.

43. I wonder how many other girls he’s using emojis with?

44. If only he could read my mind.

45. Should I go all Taylor Swift in Blank Space on him?

46. Who cares! I deserve better.

47. I don’t have time for this.

48. I wasn’t even that into him.

49. OK maybe I was, but I’ll be fine.

50. How did I not see this coming? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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