Natalie Esarey

Dog mom | B (EA) U (T) Y | Keep fighting the good fight |
Articles by
Natalie Esarey
What Recovery Taught Me About Bravery
The bravest thing I have ever done was give myself permission to bloom. Without rules, without limits.
I Lost God When I Stopped Looking For Him
We know God, but how many of us really know Him? How many of us forget to know what we already knew? You following me here?
9 Struggles Of Being An Extrovert With Social Anxiety
No one would ever guess you have social anxiety. People with social anxiety never utter a peep, right? So, your 15-minute story definitely eliminates any possibility for you to be anxious. HAH, you wish! Little do those around you know, the constant chatter and jokes coming from you is far from an indication of confidence. More like the result of not being able to contain the disorganized mess that is your racing thoughts.
This Is How You Really Know You’ve Found The One
You can’t just meet someone and suddenly know that they’re the one. You can’t be that sure of anything. Nothing is certain. Nothing lasts forever. And no one can be trusted. Or so I thought.
Uncomfortable Signs You Might Be Living With An Attachment Disorder (And How To Cope)
After an abundance of therapy sessions, I received a diagnosis: I had an attachment disorder. The three main types of attachment styles are secure, anxious, and avoidant. When someone is left feeling anything other than secure, the other styles can leave you in the midst of a complex and confusing state of being.
To Everyone Who Promised They Would Never Leave And Then Did
After the time I spent alone, and the time I spent healing and rebuilding myself—I am left with one belief stronger than everything that’s happened. I believe that despite all odds that say otherwise, that people are inherently good.
All The Things The Scale Won’t Tell You
It won’t tell you the way your eyes light up when you talk about the things you love. It won’t tell you that your laugh is a noise that makes the rest of us not feel so alone. You’ll never be told your worth.
When You Finally Let Go And Welcome God, Everything Will Come Together
We must be patient, and be trusting, for God has a plan for each one of us. So as hard as it is to put our humanly agendas to the side, and focus all our energy into God, it’s the only way to the feeling of complete love that we so desperately crave.
Love Is Louder Than My Eating Disorder
My eating disorder is unrelenting, terrible, and LOUD. It’s so loud that even if you want to hear truth and even if you want to break free, you cannot hear anything anyone is trying to tell you because you are drowning in the shrieks of its anger.
I Didn’t Believe In God Until I Heard This Weird Message On The Radio
On August 13, 2016, my life changed forever. Actually, my life began. I was reborn. Only nine months prior, I had just gotten out of my fifth treatment center. And now, finally, I was truly happy.
If You Could See Yourself Through My Eyes, You’d Never Doubt Your Beauty Again
You’re the one with enough life in you to take something unseen and give it a face.
How I Met My Boyfriend On Tinder (And Why I’m Not Ashamed)
I’m not sure what I was doing on the app to be quite honest. Maybe I was curious, or maybe I was lonely, or maybe it was just meant to be. I wasn’t expecting MARRIAGE out of Tinder, but I did want something real.
To The Girl Who Thinks She’s Fat
You will never be fat. Yes, you have fat. We all do. But you also have fingers, hair, hormones, and a beating heart.
To The Father Who Put Other Women Before His Daughter
I always thought being your “little girl” was a title that would always be at the top of your priority list. I’m not going to lie. It hurts like hell, and it probably will for a while.