Michelle Ryan

Been through a lot to learn a lot.
Articles by
Michelle Ryan
Dear Best Friend, You Don’t Have To Fight Your Battles Alone
I refuse to let you be alone in this. I refuse to give up on you, and I’ll be damned if I let what someone else did draw the ending to these chapters we have been forced into.
Don’t Be Afraid To Dream Big
Dreams are an aspiration of who we truly are. Are you going to let yourself not be the best version of who you are? Let yourself go and fly! You can do whatever you set your mind to. We all can.
To The Best Friend I Walked Away From, This Is My Apology Letter To You
I owe all my gratitude to the blessing God gave me in the form of you.
To The One Who Will Have My Heart Next, Please Love Me As I Am
Love me for me. Every bit of brokenness. Every ounce of pain and every quiet unsure response. Take it and mold it in your hand with so much gentleness that every curve becomes secure in complete happiness.
Why You Shouldn’t Tell A Girl She Deserves Better
Maybe she sees more in you. Maybe shes doesn’t want someone who already has a world to offer but wants someone who is still trying to build their own so they can build it together.
I’ve Been Sitting Here Waiting For You, But Not Anymore
I won’t be that person anymore. I have fallen enough times when it comes to you.
I Gave You Up Because I Gave You To God
There’s no need to open up a wound that was given to God for healing. God knows what is best. He has a plan and it has not changed.