33 Heartwrenching Last Words Of People On Their Deathbed

27. [deleted]

ER resident here. Guy came in with internal bleeding from blunt force trauma and looked at us and said, “Be excellent to each other.” I shit you not.

28. QuebecMeme

My grandfather’s last words in his bed after years of painful cancer. As he sipped a beer he’d just requested almost inaudibly, but he took one sip of a brew threw a straw. (He couldn’t eat or drink so….Odd request but we brought in a miller lite…) Then it made sense.

“These seats are AMAZING guys”, with a happy tear in his eye and a slight smile at me, my mom, dad and uncle.

He was a diehard Bostonian, and thought he was at a Sox game.

29. RedditName

I’m not a huge fan of revealing stories like that just because of the expected privacy that patient and families have.

But I hope you find this story interesting. There was one man who was on his last leg. We had been expecting him to pass for several days. His family was always around him and super supportive. They would joke around with him and me when I went to check on him. So we were starting to wonder if or when he was gonna pass at all.

One day, talking to the nurses, I learned that he had come very close to passing on several occasions, but his daughters would throw up a huge ruckus every time, and that would seem to bring him back.

Our Palliative counselor finally spoke with the family one day and told them many loved ones don’t pass on if the family won’t let them.

A few hours later, I walked by the room and I noticed that he was about to die. His heart rate was dropping. In my eyes, something beautiful happened. One of the daughters was about to start screaming and the other kept her quiet. They all stood there in silence until he passed.

Then they let loose the water works of poseidon!

30. elr1804

When my grandmother died and her heart rate monitor flatlined, my grandpa got up to give her a kiss on the forehead, at which point her heart started and beat for a couple more seconds, and then slowly stopped again.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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