Lorenzo Jensen III
33 Girls Recall The Moment They First Realized They Were Straight
“A boy I liked at school made me feel ‘warm’ between my legs and I thought I peed myself.”
36 People Describe The Pros And Cons Of Being Single
“Pro: You can do what you want, when you want to.
Con: You’ve got nobody to do those things with.”
Ex-BFFs: 54 People On Why They Never Talk To Their Former Best Friend Anymore
“When a close friend of mine died, he joked about it.”
50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person
“When he ate all of the crunchy parts of the Lucky Charms and left me all of the marshmallows.”
Brutal Breakups: 63 People Reveal The Heartbreakingly Cold Ways They Were Dumped
“My eldest’s father went out to get diapers & never came back, that was it, she was 2 weeks old.”
27 Things Women Need To Know About Men (But Don’t)
“Every so often, we would like to be told we’re attractive.”
34 Guys On Things Women Do That They Will NEVER Understand
“Why do women get mad at their SO for something they ‘did’ in a dream?”
Sick Burns: The 100 Greatest Insults Of All Time
“You’re my favorite person besides every other person I’ve ever met.”
47 People In Long-Term Relationships Reveal The Secrets For Making It Work
“If things are tense, hug each other for 20 seconds.”
An Open Letter To My Ex: 100 People Confess The Powerful, Heartbreaking Things They’ve Been Afraid To Say Until Now
“You’re both the best and the worst thing to ever happen to me. Also, I miss you.”
41 Girls Describe The Little Traits That Can Make A Not-So-Handsome Guy Immediately Attractive
“Seriously, even a moderately attractive guy playing with his cute dog = ovaries exploding.”
What Makes A Girl ‘Crazy’? 33 Guys Reveal The Biggest Red Flags
“When she says, ‘If you can’t handle me at my worst…’”
44 People Recall The Exact Moment They Realized They Were Surrounded By Idiots
“She thought Hitler was still alive and asked why we haven’t stopped him.”
Sheer Terror: 30 People Reveal The Scariest Thing That Ever Happened To Them
“Whatever was behind me was evil.”
32 Guys Confess The Secrets They’d Never Want Their Girlfriend To Know
“I enjoy it when you give me the ‘silent treatment’ because I don’t have to listen to you.”
Hospital Horror Stories: 30 Workers Share Their Creepiest Real-Life Tales
“She turned her eyeless face toward me….”
33 Guys Describe The Moment They Realized The Girl They Were Dating Was An Idiot
“She thought Al Qaeda was a lone terrorist named Al.”
33 Girls Describe The Exact Moment They Realized The Guy They Were Dating Was An Idiot
“He thought cheese was a vegetable.”