50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

31. When he showed up with flowers at my graduation even though I’d broken up with him.

“I broke up with my boyfriend weeks before my high school graduation…and he still showed up. In a suit, with flowers. Sat with my family, supported me, cheered me on. Yet never expected anything in return. I can’t imagine my life without him now, married and going strong 11 years later.”

32. When he looked me in the eye and told me that he liked me and wanted a relationship with me.

“My husband is a relatively shy man. We discovered we adored each other after a 7-hour conversation in a bar one night, and when he asked me to dinner I was thrilled to agree.

But he didn’t come on to me, no touching, all politeness only. I was not even sure he actually had feelings for me, and wasn’t just a sweet, shy guy that wanted a like-minded friend, but I agreed anyway because I sure as hell liked him.

Halfway through dinner (which we talked through non-stop) he suddenly put his fork down, looked me dead in the eye, and said:

‘Hey, so look. I have to be honest about something. I don’t like dating much. I don’t like the game. I don’t like that I’m supposed to act uninterested in you, or whatever some people think the man is supposed to do when he’s interested in a woman. So here it is. I like you very much. I like everything about you, and I also think you’re beautiful. I want to skip the part where we aren’t sure how the other feels. I like you, and I absolutely want to pursue a relationship with you, if you feel the same.’

And I knew, right then, that this was my forever person. We got married four months later and have been together for almost 5 years.

I love that nerdy, brilliant, thoughtful, compassionate, funny, curious, and occasionally nihilistically grumpy guy more every single day.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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