Koty Neelis

Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.

23 Signs You’re A Pisces

1. You have a crazy intuitive nature and can sense other people’s feelings without them saying anything. You rely on your gut instinct when making decisions or sizing up a situation and you’re rarely wrong.

19 Signs Your Mom Is Your Best Friend

1. You call her every day or multiple times a day just to tell her about little things going on in your life and to find out what’s going in hers. If you go a day or two without talking you feel like something is missing.

7 Things You Need For A Self-Help Weekend

This week kind of sucked. It wasn’t Grade A suckage, like where a pet died or my favorite pizza place closed, but it was bad enough all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed, eat 5000 carbs, and hide forever and ever…at least until I got hungry again.

Why Women Should Travel Alone

Considering the many attacks on women travelers in India in the past year it’s understandable that people are concerned.

How To Build A Family From Scratch

One thing happened after another and by the time I was 17 I was a high school drop out living on my own, supporting myself, and living in survival mode.

7 Types Of People You Meet While Traveling

They’ve been everywhere and done nearly everything but they don’t plan on going home anytime soon. In fact, they usually don’t have a “home.” Their world is their playground and somehow they have enough money to keep traveling. I’ve met this type on buses, in airports, and hostel bars.