Koty Neelis
Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.
23 Signs You’re A Pisces
1. You have a crazy intuitive nature and can sense other people’s feelings without them saying anything. You rely on your gut instinct when making decisions or sizing up a situation and you’re rarely wrong.
19 Signs You Grew Up In The Country
11. Your first concert was at a county fair.
19 Signs Your Mom Is Your Best Friend
1. You call her every day or multiple times a day just to tell her about little things going on in your life and to find out what’s going in hers. If you go a day or two without talking you feel like something is missing.
23 Incredible Reasons Taco Bell Is Better Than Having A Significant Other
1. Relationships are only temporary but Taco Bell is for forever. 2. Taco Bell always welcomes you with open arms and never judges you when you show up drunk. 3.
33 Of The Most Hilarious Exchanges On New Girl That Prove Why You Need To Start Watching Right Now
Nick: Just update your resume, you ninny.
33 Ridiculously Hilarious Schmidt Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day
I didn’t start watching New Girl until earlier this year. I like Zooey Deschanel but honestly, I’m very tired of the whole ‘adorkable’-quirky-indie-girl-dresses-like-Elaine-Benes personality she plays in nearly every role
Can We Stop Talking About How Awkward We Are?
“27, Designer, Traveler, Extremely socially awkward and hopelessly adorkable.”
7 Things You Need For A Self-Help Weekend
This week kind of sucked. It wasn’t Grade A suckage, like where a pet died or my favorite pizza place closed, but it was bad enough all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed, eat 5000 carbs, and hide forever and ever…at least until I got hungry again.
Why Women Should Travel Alone
Considering the many attacks on women travelers in India in the past year it’s understandable that people are concerned.
47 Signs You’re From Michigan
6. You’ve frenched a juggalo.
40 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Lose Yourself And Travel
“We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost.” – Ray Bradbury
How To Build A Family From Scratch
One thing happened after another and by the time I was 17 I was a high school drop out living on my own, supporting myself, and living in survival mode.
7 Types Of People You Meet While Traveling
They’ve been everywhere and done nearly everything but they don’t plan on going home anytime soon. In fact, they usually don’t have a “home.” Their world is their playground and somehow they have enough money to keep traveling. I’ve met this type on buses, in airports, and hostel bars.
I Dated A Trustfund Baby And All I Got Was This Blog Post
Soon I discovered the ambitious guy I first met was just someone totally and completely lost, a victim of overparenting and privilege.