Kirsten J Robinson

Author of Evergreen, a poetry collection that explores personal growth through light and darkness.
Articles by
Kirsten J Robinson
Maybe I’m Not Very Good At Understanding Love—But I Do Know This
Maybe I’m not good at understanding love, after all.
You Are Bigger Than Your Body—Your Soul Is Rare
You are more than what the scale tells you.
This Is Me Choosing To Leave
This is me closing the door. This is me finally believing that I deserve more than I did before.
When You Love Someone Who Does Not Love You Back
To love someone who does not love you back does not make you weak.
Above All Else, I Hope You Stop Doing These Things
Stop making yourself small to make other people feel more comfortable.
One Day You’ll Find Yourself In Someone Else
As you love them, they will shine light upon your most wicked shadows; the dark places within you that you have been fighting to ignore.
Congratulate Yourself—You Are Stronger Than You Ever Imagined
You were never weak. To be raw is real.
Be Proud Of Your Growth
If I don’t tell you enough that I love you,I need you to know that I do.
Look At How Far You Have Come
You are braver than you thought.
A Reminder For When You Feel Alone
When you are feeling like a failure, I want you to know that you are not alone.
One Day You’ll See How Everything Fell Into Place To Bring You Here
There’s no heartbreak-proof love, and there’s no surefire way to success.
What It Means When Someone With Anxiety Says They’re Busy
I’m busy trying to catch my breath. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat.
Read This When You Find Yourself In The Midst Of Your Depression
Depression will not stay with you forever.
Above All Else, I Hope You Choose These Things
I hope you choose patience.
A Note For When You Feel Unlovable
There has never before been, and there never will be, another you. You are one of the special ones.
This Is Me Choosing To Stay
This is me choosing myself. This is me choosing to follow my own heart, my own beliefs.
I Hope You Do The Thing That Scares You
I want to tell him I love him, I say. Fear says, he might leave.
9 Things You Should Never Say To Someone With Anxiety Disorder
The best thing you can say is I’m here for you. We are going to get through this. You are not alone.