You Are Bigger Than Your Body—Your Soul Is Rare

You are bigger than your body.
You are more than what the mirror shows you.
You are not defined by the color of your eyes as you are crying, or the way your pupils sparkle when you are overjoyed.
You are not defined by the way you smile, or the wrinkles that were not there the day before.
You are defined by the way you so bravely get back up when you fall, even when you don’t want to, even when you would rather run away and surround yourself with sky-high walls.
You are defined by the way you try so hard to instill that same joy in others, the way you so readily reach out a helping hand when they are the ones who have been knocked to the ground.
You are defined by the kind words that come out of your mouth to uplift another, and the laughter that bounces out of your lungs straight into the heart of someone who needed to hear that magical sound the most.
You are defined by the way you courageously climb mountains and crush through the most painful obstacles, leaving behind a path that shows someone else how they, too, can do it when that day comes.
You are more than what the scale tells you.
You are not defined by a number, no.
How could all of the love in your chest, the bright light within you that shines outward like a beacon of hope, ever, ever, ever be confined to numerical digits?
Listen to me now, because if there is one thing in your life that I want you to believe with every fiber of your being, it is this: You are a feat of physics and complex molecules, a spirit magnificent in magnitudes, a precious and invaluable treasure to be cherished—you are the only one of your kind. There has never been another you to walk this planet. There will never be another you again.
You are bigger than your body. Your soul is rare.