Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

18 Of The Most Bittersweet Feelings You Experience In Your Last Few Weeks Of College

When you feel tears well up in unexpected, ordinary moments, like when you walk to the nearby store with your best friend to grab a six pack, or you sit at your kitchen table with one of your roommates and shoot the shit for a couple hours. And you know that even though it’s random to get emotional in these types of situations, it’s also not, because these ordinary, special moments are the ones that made up your entire college experience.

If You’re Not Sure He’s The One

Sometimes it feels like we either have two options: Find a man and be happy, but give up all sense of purpose and power. Or, hate men, because they’re evil and they take away our independence.

Those Unexpected Moments When The Breakup Hits You

Sometimes, the breakup hits you with a force so strong that it feels like waking up from one of those falling dreams, where your stomach drops and your balance is off and you’re convinced for several seconds that you’re tumbling down a dark hole.