Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

How To Survive The First 7 Days Of A Breakup (Even Just Barely)

Maybe you thought that after a few days, you’d feel back to normal, with some sadness mixed in. But you woke up today and that wasn’t the case. Even though you know you’re still “you,” you somehow simultaneously feel like a shell. Alive, but very much tired of anything and everything.

Read This If You’re 25 And You Have Nothing To Show For It

Although you make jokes with your friends about how your life is a mess and how you don’t know what you’re doing, your laughter is hollow. Because at the end of the day, it’s not really that funny to you anymore. You don’t know where the last five years went and you cannot comprehend the fact that you’re now halfway through your twenties and you have nothing to show for it.