Jessica Blankenship

Producer at Thought Catalog. Follow me on Twitter.
Articles by
Jessica Blankenship
This Bikini Model’s Waist Is So Photoshopped, She Looks Disfigured
Or maybe Ann Taylor is just doing their part to raise awareness for shark attack victims.
This Is Officially Your New Favorite Music Video (And Song, Probably)
“Chandelier” — and its amazing video — might finally make America as obsessed with Sia as it should be.
6 Fake Boyfriends Every Girl Has (Even If She Has A Real Boyfriend)
Like any good boyfriend, the guy who works at the coffee shop you always go to knows exactly what you want and is eager to give it to you.
10 Reasons Why F*#king Someone Else’s Boyfriend Is The Best
No man will ever make you feel as desired and beautiful as the one who know he shouldn’t be with you, but is anyway.
20 Thoughts Everyone Secretly Has That Prove We’re All Terrible People
Someone announces on Facebook that they’re starting some new diet or weight loss plan and you’re like “Mmhmm. Okay.”
4 Ugly Truths About Dating That We Shouldn’t Tolerate Anymore
We assume we have to accept these lame things because “it’s just how dating works now”. Uh, no. Time to shut it down.
See How Men’s Idea Of A ‘Perfect Body’ Differs From Women’s
500 men and 500 women assembled their ideas of what a physically perfect man and woman would each look like.
8 Ways To Tell A Guy That You’re Pregnant (But Are Totally Open To An Abortion)
Clue him in that you’re down with flushing that clown while reminding him you’re still the sexy, cute girl he wanted to bareback bang in the first place.
8 Things We Say When We Cancel Plans – And What They Really Mean
“Binge watching a show on Netflix is more important than our friendship and I’m not even sorry.”
43 Of The Most Perfect Songs From ‘How I Met Your Mother’
This playlist could only be more flawless if “Murder Train” was on Spotify.
This Guy Dancing To Beyoncé Is More Important Than Whatever You’re Doing Right Now
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to watch this 14 more times (or however many it takes until I can dance like that, so like, see you never.)
This Woman Wants You To Pay To Take Her Virginity (And Why We Should Love That)
27-year-old Elizabeth Raine is selling her virginity to the highest bidder. And it’s kind of awesome.
This Incredible Video Of A Male To Female Transition Will Make You Cry
I don’t normally cry before coffee (okay, that’s a lie) but apparently that’s how we’re starting this week.
10 Easy Ways For Normal Women To Be More Sexually Confident
Super simple, slight adjustments to your normal routine that will leave you feeling more free and empowered.
6 Fun Ways To Force Someone To Love You Whether They Like It Or Not
Just, like, slip something in their drink. Not enough to incapacitate them (you’re not a monster, for f*ck’s sake), just enough to make them all mushy and agreeable.
Video: Photoshop On This Model Is More Extreme Than Ever
It is so insane and upsetting that advertisers can do this to people’s bodies.
5 Stupid Dating Rules That We Can All Stop Following Now
The only “dating rules” we should follow: Don’t talk with your mouth full, and don’t impose arbitrary, impersonal social guidelines onto your relationship with another person.
6 Things You Must Have To Have A Perfect Body
As long as you have these things, you can officially let go of any concern about the appearance of other, less important parts of your body.