January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
What Makes Each Zodiac Sign Bad At Relationships
CANCER: They are overly sensitive. They cry whenever you confront them about something they did wrong.
50 Words That Sound Insanely Dirty (But Actually Aren’t)
Weenus – the loose skin covering the outside of the elbow joint.
40 Reasons Being Single Beats Being In A Toxic Relationship (Or ANY Relationship)
One less person to please. One less person to disappoint. One less person to make my heart ache.
3 Things Each Zodiac Sign Refuses To Deal With In Modern Relationships
LIBRA: Short tempers. Pessimism. Acting pushy.
50 Things That Are Going To Turn Her Off, Not Make Her Sleep With You
Being ‘too cool’ to do anything. It shows you’re vulnerable and self-conscious and you don’t have an ounce of real confidence. Way more attracted to a man who isn’t afraid to laugh at himself opposed to one that is.
50 Things You Never Realized Guys Were Insecure About
Constantly swiping right on apps never getting a match.
50 Brutal PG-Rated Insults To Throw At Your Friends
“You’re not pretty enough to get away with being that stupid.”
The Reminder Each Zodiac Sign Deserves This April
“An apology without change is just manipulation.”
How Each Zodiac Sign Breaks Down When They’re Burnt Out And Stressed
VIRGO: You stop taking care of yourself. You let your nails get long and chipped. You let your hair get dirty. You let yourself self fall apart physically to match your mental state.
50 Fun Phone Games To Play When You’re Bored Out Of Your Mind
Evil Apples – it’s just a mobile version of Cards against Humanity, and it’s very enjoyable. I genuinely recommend checking it out.
50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again
We met on Neopets as kids and became best friends. Years later we realized we were both into girls so it worked out perfectly and we’re engaged.
How Each Zodiac’s Personality Will Shift During Aries Season
Pisces: For the entirety of the season, you are going to find yourself getting angry over small, meaningless things.
33 Stupidly Simple Romantic Gestures That Show You’re Putting Effort Into The Relationship
Light non-sexual touching. Light hand on the thigh while riding in the car. Brushing your hand over the small of their back when passing behind. Drawing your fingers over their skin affectionately when sitting together.
50 Delicious (Healthy) Foods To Snack On Instead Of Devouring A Full Bag Of Doritos
Frozen grapes. They’re like little slushie bites.
50 Unhappy Couples Share How Their Partner Completely Changed After Marriage
If you have any intimacy issues when dating, don’t make the mistake of expecting it to get better with time. It will only get worse.
30 Mysterious Celebrity Deaths That More People Should Be Talking About
Natalie Wood. I think Christopher Walken and her husband at the time, Robert Wagner, who were with her on the night she died, have some explaining to do. Nobody can seem to get their story straight, and there seems to be A LOT of smoke.
9 Stupidly Simple Signs Your Forever Person Is Thinking About Proposing
Your person is suddenly being weird about money.
The Reason Your Toxic Ex Is Still Stuck On Your Mind, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
TAURUS: You always have a hard time forgetting about the past. You always have a hard time letting people go.