January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
Why You Need To Raise Your Standards, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Because it’s not healthy to think so little of yourself.
The Type Of Guys Each Zodiac Sign Has A Bad Habit Of Falling For
SCORPIO: Underachievers
33 Yellow Flags That Aren’t Actually Dealbreakers — But Mean You Should Be Very Careful
When they say they like their partner to be independent. Sometimes it means they just need introvert time, other times it means they only want the partner to be around when they want company.
In Honor Of Mother’s Day, 50 Daughters Share The Best Advice Their Moms Ever Imparted To Them
“Be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice. Then destroy them.”
Zodiacs Ranked From ‘Killing 2019’ To ‘This Just Not Being Their Year’
Libra – This is more of a transitional year for you. You’ve been putting down the stepping stones toward making 2020 the single greatest year of your existence — and you can’t wait to see what awaits you.
The Scariest Part Of ‘Se7en’ No One Noticed
As you know from movies like The Exorcist, where a fire burned down the entire set, sometimes the scariest things happen behind the scenes.
The 4 Zodiacs Who Just Don’t Give A Damn This Month
On any average day, Capricorns don’t have time to deal with your bullshit — but they can typically hide it well. However, during the rest of May, their frustration is going to be pretty obvious.
What’s It Really Like To Win A Date With A Celebrity Contest?
My mom got to meet Robert Downey Jr. and he ended up asking to crash at her apartment to avoid crazy fans and traffic before his flight the next morning.
Lessons I Learned About Toxic Love From ‘Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile’
Loving someone toxic can destroy you — even after the relationship ends.
What To Buy For Mother’s Day (Because It’s Already This Sunday!) Based On Her Zodiac Sign
CAPRICORN: A notebook, sketchbook, or crossword puzzle book.
44 Bad Pieces Of Advice You Should NEVER Follow
“Take the high road.” Great advice for many situations but awful for others. Sometimes you need to set boundaries and speak your mind. Sometimes petty wins. You have to gauge what works for what situation.
Introverts, Here Are 40 Jobs That Don’t Involve Too Much Social Interaction
Fire tower watcher for the National Park Service. Months of just you and your lonesome and a bunch of trees.
How Each Zodiac Sign Knows It’s Finally Time To Move On
GEMINI: Your trust has been broken.
50 Brilliant ‘Child Hacks’ For Babysitters, Parents, Teachers, And Nurses
Put clear packaging tape over the speaker holes of toys that make noise/play songs – it lets the toy operate with a fraction of its actual volume.
Why Stupid Boys Will Ghost You, Based On Their Zodiac Sign
ARIES: Because he isn’t as interested in you as he made it seem.
50 Pieces Of Advice That Sound Like Total Bullshit That Are Actually Pretty Useful
This too shall pass. On those days when I just feel like I can’t take it I think of that, and I know tomorrow will be different. Someone once told me, “Tomorrow may not be better, but at least it’ll be different.” In a strange way that too is comforting.
One Word Predictions Of Your Love Life This May (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
See what this month has in store for you!