January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
When You’re Apartment Hunting, Watch Out For These 30 Red Flags
If the ad has a bunch of pictures of the neighborhood and no pictures of inside the apartment.
33 Subtle Signs Someone You Love Is Suffering From Depression
Stumbling over an answer if they are asked what they did for the weekend or for their day off etc. Often because they did nothing but lie in bed and stare at a wall and don’t now have a reasonable happy interesting answer ready for your innocent question.
Read This If You Feel Like You’re Doing All The Right Things, But Still Feel Anxious All The Time
Most approaches to anxiety presume that the problem is in your head. The problem is, actually, in your body.
Why People (Wrongly) Assume You’re Lazy, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
CAPRICORN: Because you don’t post every one of your accomplishments on social media.
Where Your Girlfriend Wishes You Would Take Her More, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
TAURUS: To wine tastings.
33 Things That Don’t Actually Make You Look Cool
Having a side chick. No, it’s not funny or cool to cheat on your significant other, you’re trash.
30 Signs You’re A Mature, Responsible Adult (Even If You Still Feel Like A Little Kid)
The ability to delay instant gratification for longer term happiness.
40 ‘Change A Lightbulb’ Jokes That Are Absolutely Hilarious
How many narcissists does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one. He holds the lightbulb, and the world revolves around him.
30 Little Things You Can Do Today To Better Yourself
Try to respond to people by assuming they mean the best, not the worst.
What Drives Him Absolutely Insane In Relationships, Based On His Zodiac Sign
ARIES: When you pay more attention to your phone than him.
30 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
Your phone is listening to you even when you aren’t using it.
Something Strange Happened At An Old Abandoned Drive-In Theater
Weeds were growing through cracks in the cement where cars used to park. The screen had small rips and tears. The poles, which used to hold speakers, were bent and smeared with mud.
40 Free Apps That Won’t Cost You A Penny
RunPee. It tells you the best time to go pee during a movie. It has a timer and vibrates to let you know when it’s time. It then tells you what going on during the “pee time.”
Each Zodiac Will Break Up With You If Your Relationship Is Missing This One Thing
TAURUS: They won’t stay with you if there isn’t any trust in the relationship.
40 Rules Every Strong Woman Should Live By
Treat yourself how you would treat your best friend— with compassion, empathy, encouragement and kindness
What Happens When Each Zodiac Is Pissed At You
TAURUS: They get emotional and tear up, even when they’re more angry than upset.
9 Signs Your Boyfriend Has Been Cheating
He’s been bringing his phone into the bathroom and shower with him.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Has Seemed Distant Lately, Even Though They Love You
GEMINI: They are terrified you are going to hurt them — or they are going to screw up and hurt you.