250+ Easy Trivia Questions and Answers
Easy trivia questions and answers that are fun for friends, family, colleagues, and much more. Easy to solve, but tons of fun to be had!

From movies to music artists to food to geography and nearly anything else you could think of, here are easy trivia questions (and answers) to ask family and friends during a trivia night. Each of our quiz questions contains answers to make the game night memorable. Test your general knowledge; let’s see if they can get them right:
Easy Trivia Questions
Trivia Question: What is the world’s longest river called?
Answer: The Nile
Trivia Question: Which city hosted the Summer Olympics in 2012
Answer: London, England
Trivia Question: Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
Answer: Australia
Trivia Question: In Greek Mythology, who is the Queen of the Underworld and wife of Hades?
Answer: Persephone
Trivia Question: Which house was Harry Potter almost sorted into?
Answer: Slytherin
Trivia Question: Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the US?
Answer: France
Trivia Question: What was the name of the Robin Williams film where he dresses up as an elderly British nanny?
Answer: Mrs. Doubtfire
Trivia Question: What is the rarest blood type?
Answer: AB-Negative
Trivia Question: What sport does Cristiano Ronaldo play?
Answer: Soccer/football
Trivia Question: How many bones are there in the human body?
Answer: 206
Trivia Question: What is the name of the longest river in South America?
Answer: Amazon River
Trivia Question: What is the name of the musical artist who sings the song “Watermelon Sugar”?
Answer: Harry Styles
Trivia Question: What does Na stand for on the periodic table?
Answer: Sodium
Trivia Question: What is the name of the actor who played Jack in Titanic?
Answer: Leonardo DiCaprio
Trivia Question: How many points are a touchdown worth?
Answer: 6
Trivia Question: In which Disney movie is the villain Clayton from?
Answer: Tarzan
Trivia Question: In which ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located?
Answer: Atlantic Ocean
Trivia Question: Which U.S. state is known for peaches?
Answer: Georgia
Trivia Question: What is the French name for Santa Claus?
Answer: Pere Noel
Trivia Question: Which fictional city is the home of Batman?
Answer: Gotham City
Trivia Question: How many feet are in a mile?
Answer: 5, 280 feet
Trivia Question: Which planet is closest to Earth?
Answer: Venus
Trivia Question: Steve Harvey is a game show host. What’s that show called?
Answer: Family Feud
Trivia Question: The movie Ladybird takes place in which city in California?
Answer: Sacramento
Trivia Question: Who was the pretty woman in the 1990 film?
Answer: Julia Roberts
Trivia Question: Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn were in a band. What was it called?
Answer: One Direction
Trivia Question: Who is the author of the Harry Potter series?
Answer: J.K. Rowling
Trivia Question: What is the name of Han Solo’s ship?
Answer: Millennium Falcon
Trivia Question: Which company uses Santa Claus for their advertisements?
Answer: Coca Cola
Trivia Question: “Keep Calm and Carry On” is the slogan of which nation?
Answer: Britain
Trivia Question: What is the name of the character that Johnny Depp plays in Pirates of the Caribbean?
Answer: Captain Jack Sparrow
Trivia Question: Fe is the chemical symbol for which element?
Answer: Iron
Trivia Question: What was the name of One Direction’s first official single in 2011?
Answer: “What Makes You Beautiful”
Trivia Question: Where is the Oval Office located in the White House?
Answer: In the West Wing
Trivia Question: Which bird is often associated with delivering babies?
Answer: A stork
Trivia Question: In the Disney movie Pocahontas, she has 2 animal friends: a raccoon and a hummingbird. What is the name of the raccoon?
Answer: Meeko
Trivia Question: This place is known as the City of Brotherly Love. What is this city called?
Answer: Philadelphia, PA.
Trivia Question: What temperature (in Fahrenheit) does water freeze at?
Answer: 32 degrees
Trivia Question: In the US version of The Office, what is the name of the city they live in?
Answer: Scranton, PA
Trivia Question: How old do you have to be to enter the Hunger Games drawing?
Answer: 12 years old
Trivia Question: How many players are there on a baseball team?
Answer: 9
Trivia Question: Which country occupies half of South America’s western coast?
Answer: Chile
Trivia Question: What group of animals is known as a “flamboyance”? Answer: Flamingos
Trivia Question: Which musical artist is known for her song “Big Girls Don’t Cry”?
Answer: Fergie
Trivia Question: Jim Carrey stars in this 2000 Christmas movie about Whos in Whoville. What’s the movie called?
Answer: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Trivia Question: Which U.S. state is known as “America’s Dairyland”?
Answer: Wisconsin
Trivia Question: What is hummus made from?
Answer: Chickpeas
Trivia Question: What is the name of the 1993 movie about dinosaurs?
Answer: Jurassic Park
Trivia Question: Who wrote the classic horror book It?
Answer: Stephen King
Trivia Question: What language is the most popularly spoken worldwide?
Answer: Chinese
Trivia Question: What has a gravitational pull so strong that light cannot even escape it?
Answer: A black hole
Trivia Question: What vegetable is known to help you see in the dark?
Answer: Carrot
Trivia Question: What is the date of “The Devils Night”?
Answer: October 30th
Trivia Question: Gossip Girl was filmed in which neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan?
Answer: Upper East Side
Trivia Question: In the movie Good Will Hunting, what college does Skylar attend?
Answer: Harvard
Trivia Question: What is the scientific name of the process where plants prepare their food?
Answer: Photosynthesis
Trivia Question: What is Harriet Tubman known for?
Answer: Leading slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad
Trivia Question: What city is known as the City of Love?
Answer: Paris
Trivia Question: Which U.S. State is the largest?
Answer: Alaska
Trivia Question: Who was the winner of American Idol season 1 in 2002?
Answer: Kelly Clarkson
Trivia Question: How many days are in a leap year?
Answer: 366
Trivia Question: What food does Popeye like to eat?
Answer: Spinach
Trivia Question: What is the name of Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy?
Answer: Macbeth
Trivia Question: Which astrological sign’s symbol is a crab?
Answer: Cancer
Trivia Question: Which band sings the popular ’80’s song “Every Breath You Take”?
Answer: The Police
Trivia Question: Quebec is a province in Canada. What language do they speak there?
Answer: French
Trivia Question: What is the symbol that represents St. Patrick’s Day?
Answer: Shamrock (a 4-leaf clover)
Trivia Question: What happened during the years 1939-1945?
Answer: World War II
Trivia Question: What year did Barbie come out?
Answer: 1959
Trivia Question: Where in California is Disneyland located?
Answer: Anaheim
Trivia Question: Which U.S. State is known as the “Sunflower State”?
Answer: Kansas
Trivia Question: “I see dead people” is a line from which horror film?
Answer: The Sixth Sense
Trivia Question: Who sings the song “Born in the USA”?
Answer: Bruce Springsteen
Trivia Question: Where do the Mamma Mia movies take place?
Answer: Greece
Trivia Question: In the Pixar movie Cars, Lightning McQueen ends up in Radiator Springs and befriends a tow truck. What’s that tow truck’s name?
Answer: Mater
Trivia Question: What is the legend of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens?
Answer: It’s the home of the Jersey Devil
Trivia Question: Who founded Microsoft?
Answer: Bill Gates
Trivia Question: What are the names of the 3 Curtis brothers in The Outsiders?
Answer: Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darrel
Trivia Question: Where is the world’s largest active volcano located?
Answer: Hawaii
Trivia Question: Who wrote and published the novel The Metamorphosis?
Answer: Franz Kafka
Trivia Question: What was the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl?
Answer: Hedwig
Trivia Question: What plant is known to help heal a sunburn?
Answer: Aloe
Trivia Question: What are the 3 primary colors?
Answer: Red, yellow, blue
Trivia Question: What was Bruce Banner exposed to that turned him into the Hulk?
Answer: Gamma Radiation
Trivia Question: Who was the first American astronaut to step foot on the moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong
Trivia Question: What is the #1 cookie in the United States?
Answer: Oreo
Trivia Question: What are the names of the three fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty?
Answer: Flora, Fauna, Merryweather
Trivia Question: In the TV show Friends, what is Joey Tribbiani’s famous line?
Answer: “How you doin’?”
Trivia Question: How many hearts does an octopus have?
Answer: 3
Trivia Question: What is the name of the author who wrote The Great Gatsby?
Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Trivia Question: Which band of brothers came back together in 2019?
Answer: The Jonas Brothers
Trivia Question: What flower is most gifted on Valentine’s Day?
Answer: Red roses
Trivia Question: How many planets are in our solar system? (Including Pluto!)
Answer: 9
Trivia Question: What is the name of the social media platform that came out in 2003?
Answer: Myspace
Trivia Question: What do you call a geometric space with 5 sides?
Answer: Pentagon
Trivia Question: Which actor played the prince of Bel-Air?
Answer: Will Smith
Trivia Question: Who built the Great Wall of China?
Answer: The Qin Dynasty
Trivia Question: Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, is known for wearing a black ___?
Answer: Turtleneck
Trivia Question: In the movie Grease, where do Sandy and Danny meet for the first time?
Answer: The beach
Trivia Question: Michael Phelps is an Olympic athlete known for this sport?
Answer: Swimming
Trivia Question: George Harrison was a member of which famous band?
Answer: The Beatles
Trivia Question: Which country hosted the first Olympic Games in 1896?
Answer: Greece
Trivia Question: What is the Disney Channel show starring Miley Cyrus as a pop star?
Answer: Hannah Montana
Trivia Question: What is Harry Houdini known for?
Answer: Magic/illusion
Trivia Question: What show has the witty mother-daughter duo Lorelai and Rory?
Answer: Gilmore Girls
Trivia Question: The Scarlet Letter was a novel written by who?
Answer: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Trivia Question: In what year was the first iPhone released?
Answer: 2007
Trivia Question: What is the name of the worldly event where you can look at the sun only wearing these special glasses?
Answer: Solar Eclipse
Trivia Question: Which Disney princess wears a yellow dress?
Answer: Belle
Trivia Question: Where does Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest take place?
Answer: Coney Island, NY
Trivia Question: In Disney’s The Lion King, what was Simba’s father’s name?
Answer: Mufasa
Trivia Question: What was the basketball team that Kobe Bryant played on?
Answer: L.A. Lakers
Trivia Question: Which fast food restaurant is known for its Big Macs?
Answer: McDonald’s
Trivia Question: Which jazz singer sings the song “What A Wonderful World”?
Answer: Louis Armstrong
Trivia Question: What’s the name of the song that Friends’ Phoebe Buffay known for?
Answer: “Smelly Cat”
Trivia Question: Which planet in our solar system is the largest?
Answer: Jupiter
Trivia Question: Which actress stars in Hocus Pocus as Winifred?
Answer: Bette Midler
Trivia Question: Why did the Titanic sink?
Answer: It hit an iceberg
Trivia Question: How many signs are there in the Zodiac?
Answer: 12
Trivia Question: What is New York City also referred to as? (Hint: red)
Answer: The Big Apple
Trivia Question: Who was the author of the novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?
Answer: C.S. Lewis
Trivia Question: Anne Frank and her family hid in an attic during WWII. In which city was their hiding place?
Answer: Amsterdam
Trivia Question: At what age did Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix die?
Answer: 27
Trivia Question: Which musician starred in The Hunger Games movie series?
Answer: Lenny Kravitz
Trivia Question: How many reindeer does Santa have?
Answer: 8
Trivia Question: Tiger Woods is known for which sport?
Answer: Golf
Trivia Question: In the TV show Friends, what hangs on the back of the door in Monica’s apartment?
Answer: A yellow picture frame
Trivia Question: In which U.S. state is Are 51 located?
Answer: Nevada
Trivia Question: What blonde-haired singer sings the song “You Belong With Me”?
Answer: Taylor Swift
Trivia Question: Which two planets in our solar system are known as “ice giants”?
Answer: Neptune and Uranus
Trivia Question: In what 1939 movie are there flying monkeys?
Answer: The Wizard of Oz
Trivia Question: Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie are a part of which family?
Answer: Kardashians
Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest ocean in the world?
Answer: Pacific
Trivia Question: Which English musician sings most of the songs on the Tarzan soundtrack?
Answer: Phil Collins
Trivia Question: Which country is Prague in?
Answer: Czech Republic
Trivia Question: What is it called when birds fly south (warmer climates) for the winter?
Answer: Migration
Trivia Question: In the U.S. version of The Office, there’s a couple that everyone loves. What are their names?
Answer: Jim and Pam
Trivia Question: Which planet in our solar system is the hottest?
Answer: Venus
Trivia Question: What is the name of the actress in Breakfast At Tiffany’s?
Answer: Audrey Hepburn
Trivia Question: Which poet wrote the iconic poem “The Raven”?
Answer: Edgar Allen Poe
Trivia Question: What is the French word for a woman?
Answer: “Femme”
Trivia Question: Who wrote the novel Slaughterhouse-Five?
Answer: Kurt Vonnegut
Trivia Question: The American football team Kansas City Chiefs are based in which state?
Answer: Missouri
Trivia Question: What is the name of the movie starring Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer?
Answer: Call Me By Your Name
Trivia Question: To be a universal donor, what does your blood type have to be?
Answer: O
Trivia Question: How many ribs are in a human body?
Answer: 24
Trivia Question: What are the names of Harry Potter’s two best friends?
Answer: Hermione and Ron
Trivia Question: Which famous artist painted the Mona Lisa?
Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci
Trivia Question: What 2012 dramatic musical do Hugh Jackson and Russel Crowe star in together?
Answer: Les Miserables
Trivia Question: Who is Wile E Coyote always trying to catch?
Answer: Road Runner
Trivia Question: What animal is Bambi?
Answer: A deer
Trivia Question: Arnold Schwarzenegger was once the governor of which U.S. State?
Answer: California
Trivia Question: Which actress played identical twins in the 1998 movie The Parent Trap?
Answer: Lindsay Lohan
Trivia Question: Who was the 16th president of the United States?
Answer: Abe Lincoln
Trivia Question: What are the colors of the Italian flag?
Answer: Red, white, and green
Trivia Question: What popular candy was featured in the movie E.T.?
Answer: Reese’s Pieces
Trivia Question: The Netflix series Stranger Things takes place in what decade?
Answer: the 80’s
Trivia Question: Who said that “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”?
Answer: Mary Poppins
Trivia Question: Where did the attack on Pearl Harbor take place?
Answer: Honolulu, Hawaii
Trivia Question: What is Sodium Chloride referred to as?
Answer: Salt
Trivia Question: What is the high school’s name in Grease that the Pink Ladies and T-Birds attend?
Answer: Rydell High
Trivia Question: Which country is known to consume the most chocolate?
Answer: Switzerland
Trivia Question: In what year was the Declaration of Independence created?
Answer: 1776
Trivia Question: Who was known to “float like a butterfly”?
Answer: Muhammad Ali
Trivia Question: What early 2000’s movie did Anne Hathaway and Mandy Moore star in?
Answer: The Princess Diaries
Trivia Question: Who was the U.S. President during the 9/11 attacks?
Answer: George W. Bush
Trivia Question: Who painted the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel?
Answer: Michelangelo
Trivia Question: In which year was Obama elected President?
Answer: 2008
Trivia Question: What breed of dog is commonly known as a “firehouse dog”?
Answer: Dalmatian
Trivia Question: What is the Loch Ness Monster’s nickname?
Answer: “Nessie”
Trivia Question: In which U.S. state was the Hershey Company founded?
Answer: Pennsylvania
Trivia Question: Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper star in this 208 film… what’s it called?
Answer: A Star Is Born
Trivia Question: In the iconic Halloween film Hocus Pocus, Winifred, Sarah, and Mary, sing what song on stage?
Answer: “I Put A Spell On You”
Trivia Question: What does the “E” stand for in “Chuck E. Cheese”?
Answer: Entertainment
Trivia Question: What’s the name of the company that published the Mario Kart video game?
Answer: Nintendo
Trivia Question: What makes up the Powerpuff Girls Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup?
Answer: Sugar, spice, and everything nice
Trivia Question: Who is known for her album Lemonade?
Answer: Beyonce
Trivia Question: Which actor voiced Barry B. Benson in The Bee Movie?
Answer: Jerry Seinfeld
Trivia Question: Who assassinated Abe Lincoln?
Answer: John Wilkes Booth
Trivia Question: What is the name of the host of The Bachelor franchise?
Answer: Chris Harrison
Trivia Question: The 1986 John Hughes film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was filmed in which city?
Answer: Chicago
Trivia Question: Where is the Golden Gate Bridge located?
Answer: San Francisco, CA
Trivia Question: When do Brits celebrate Mother’s Day?
Answer: Either March or April
Trivia Question: In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for?
Answer: World Wide Web
Trivia Question: Which country has a red flag with a star in the middle?
Answer: Morocco
Trivia Question: In Greek mythology, who had snakes for hair and could turn people into stone if they looked at her?
Answer: Medusa
Trivia Question: Where was the Dev Patel film Lion filmed?
Answer: India
Trivia Question: There are four houses at Hogwarts. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and….?
Answer: Hufflepuff
Trivia Question: Who founded Kodak and the first camera?
Answer: George Eastman
Trivia Question: In Annie, what is the name of her dog?
Answer: Sandy
Trivia Question: In which state did the Salem Witch Trials take place?
Answer: Massachusetts
Trivia Question: Lily Collins is the daughter of which English musician?
Answer: Phil Collins
Trivia Question: How many stars are there on the American flag?
Answer: 50
Trivia Question: What is the name of the main vampire that Bella falls in love with in the movie Twilight?
Answer: Edward Cullen
Trivia Question: What is the name of the tallest building in New York City?
Answer: One World Trade Center
Trivia Question: Quasimodo is a fictional character from which novel/movie?
Answer: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Trivia Question: What does UFO stand for?
Answer: Unidentified Flying Object
Trivia Question: What is the name of the redheaded mermaid in The Little Mermaid?
Answer: Ariel
Trivia Question: What is the name of the first woman pilot to fly across the Atlantic ocean?
Answer: Amelia Earhart
Trivia Question: What does the Roman Numeral “X” stand for?
Answer: 10
Trivia Question: Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson were judges on which singing TV competition?
Answer: American Idol
Trivia Question: What kind of alcohol is made from grapes?
Answer: Wine
Trivia Question: What are the colors of the Blockbuster movie rental logo?
Answer: blue, yellow, white
Trivia Question: Which ocean trench is known to be the deepest?
Answer: Mariana’s Trench
Trivia Question: Kung Fu was originated from which country?
Answer: China
Trivia Question: What boyband sings the song “I Want It That Way”?
Answer: Backstreet Boys
Trivia Question: What is the name of the current CBS show about a group of friends who are scientists?
Answer: The Big Bang Theory
Trivia Question: In which country is Timbuktu located?
Answer: Africa
Trivia Question: In what Disney movie do the characters sing “Tale As Old As Time”?
Answer: Beauty and the Beast
Trivia Question: Danny, Joey, Jesse, DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle are characters on what ‘90s show?
Answer: Full House
Trivia Question: What is the name of the city that Spongebob Squarepants lives in?
Answer: Bikini Bottom
Trivia Question: What band sings the famous song “Wake Me Up When September Ends”?
Answer: Green Day
Trivia Question: Who was the villain in 101 Dalmatians?
Answer: Cruella de Vil
Trivia Question: Which musical artist sings the iconic song “Hit Me Baby (One More Time)”?
Answer: Britney Spears
Trivia Question: What is the name of the talented pop singer who dated Mac Miller and Pete Davidson?
Answer: Ariana Grande
Trivia Question: Where in the United States is the original Coca Cola factory located?
Answer: Atlanta, GA
Trivia Question: Where is Saturday Night Live filmed?
Answer: New York City
Trivia Question: Justin Timberlake was a part of which boyband?
Answer: NYSNC
Trivia Question: Who is the talk show host with the Carpool Karaoke sketch?
Answer: James Corden
Trivia Question: What is the typical color of bubblegum?
Answer: Pink
Trivia Question: What is the company Campbells known for?
Answer: Soup
Trivia Question: Which young Jedi Knight becomes Darth Vader in Star Wars?
Answer: Anakin Skywalker
Trivia Question: What was the name of the early 2000’s Cartoon Network show about imaginary friends?
Answer: Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends
Trivia Question: “Summertime Sadness” is sung by which female American singer-songwriter?
Answer: Lana Del Rey
Trivia Question: What does Folgers sell?
Answer: Coffee
Trivia Question: What is the largest desert in the world?
Answer: The Sahara Desert
Trivia Question: What is the popular music festival hosted every year in California?
Answer: Coachella
Trivia Question: What animal is known for showing off its colorful tail?
Answer: The peacock
Trivia Question: What colors make purple?
Answer: Red and blue
Trivia Question: Who is the fastest runner in the world?
Answer: Usain Bolt
Trivia Question: Meteorology is the study of…?
Answer: The weather
Trivia Question: Which Disney princess had 7 dwarfs as friends?
Answer: Snow White
Trivia Question: Which U.S. state is known as the “Sunshine State”?
Answer: Florida
Trivia Question: What is the rarest M&M color?
Answer: Brown
Trivia Question: Before it was called Freeform, this TV channel was called…?
Answer: ABC Family
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
Answer: Strawberries
Trivia Question: Which Kardashian has Travis Scott dated?
Answer: Kylie
Trivia Question: What was the name of the movie that Will and Jaden Smith appeared in together?
Answer: The Pursuit of Happiness
Trivia Question: Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?
Answer: A horse
Trivia Question: This 2003 film follows the story of Mark Zuckerberg and how he founded Facebook. What was the movie called?
Answer: The Social Network
Trivia Question: In Aladdin, what’s the name of the song that he and Jasmine sing on the magic carpet?
Answer: “A Whole New World”
Trivia Question: There is a sea located between Israel and Jordan. What’s it called?
Answer: Dead Sea
Trivia Question: What was the name of the princess who died in a car accident in 1997?
Answer: Princess Diana
Trivia Question: What kind of alcohol is Russia known for?
Answer: Vodka
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