Ioana Casapu

Ioana Cristina Casapu is a book author, photographer and producer living life in transit.
Articles by
Ioana Casapu
100 Things You Can Still Do While Being Depressed (That WILL Make You Feel Better)
Give yourself permission to reject calls and leave text messages unattended. The world won’t die.
How To Land The Creative Job You’ve Always Wanted When You Have No Idea Where To Start
Ask the right questions. To your mentor, your coach, or on the Internet.
Stay Single Until You Find Someone You Can Sit Comfortably In Silence With
There’s something ultimately so comforting and refreshing about shared silences.
‘Modern Love’ Editor Daniel Jones Talks Almost Relationships, Vulnerability And Dating In The Digital Age
We idealise romantic love in a way that can be damaging, it creates this fantasy that can’t really be lived up to.
15 Witty Replies To Use Whenever Someone Says You Should Work For Free
Oh, it sounds terrible that you can’t pay me. I bet you can’t even pay for this ginormous Chai Latte. Quick, let’s run before the bill comes!
Look For These 30 Traits In A Life Long Partner (And Stop Wasting Your Time With F*ckboys)
The person you love should be able to cater support when you need it, especially when you’re too down to ask for it.
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Growing Older, But Not Wiser
You can’t deal with hangover anymore.
14 Psychological Hacks About Love That Are Scientifically Proven To Work
People are more likely to break-up in the first 3-5 months of a relationship.
These Are The Things Guys Wish Girls Knew When It Comes To Dating
“Be yourself. You don’t have to try to be like someone else. We like you for being authentic.”
35 Mistakes You’ll Make In Your Twenties Without Even Realizing It
You’ll always think you have time.
10 Pictures I Did Not Take Of You And Me
This is a picture I did not take of you and me, fighting the last world war in our little room at 3rd floor.
The 20 Best Ways To Meet Your Significant Other
2. When you think you’re on such a dry spell that your vagina’s depressed.
30 Things Every Twenty-Something Learns About Love
14. You will miss people you didn’t think you loved, and you will love people who won’t miss you back.
The 15 Most Common Relationship Problems And How To Fix Each One Of Them
11. You feel you’re giving away too much (and getting back too little).
15 People On The Darkest Lessons Life Showed Them
“Usually you do not get what you deserve, you get what you get.”
30 Things I’ve Learned In 30 Years About Life, Love And Anxiety As An ENTP
Jealousy is natural, and it will happen between you and your best friend.
This Is The Coolest Way To Handle A Person Hitting On Your Significant Other
“As long as it’s consensual – let them eat cake!”
60 People On The Hardest Truth They Had To Accept That Made Them Stronger
“That I will not marry the love of my life.”