With Some Girls, You Won’t Get A Second Chance

With Some Girls, You Won’t Get A Second Chance

With some girls, you won’t get a second chance, so don’t mess up your first one. Don’t take her for granted in the hopes she’s going to let you get away with your bullshit. Don’t test how much you can upset her before she snaps. Don’t treat her feelings for you like a game and don’t treat her heart like a punching bag.

With some girls, you won’t get a second chance. Once you mess up, you’ll lose her trust forever. She’ll never be able to look at you the same way again. Your mistake will completely change the course of your relationship. It will break her heart, crush her spirit, and kill her attraction to you. It doesn’t matter how many times you say you’re sorry, because nothing is going to erase the memory from her mind. Nothing is going to change the fact that you were okay with hurting her.

With some girls, you won’t get a second chance. She might accept your apology, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to want anything to do with you moving forward. Once she sees your true colors, she’s going to bolt. She isn’t going to stick around to find out whether you’re going to follow through on your promise of doing better in the future. She’s going to judge you based on how you’ve already treated her yesterday, not by how you might treat her tomorrow.

Honestly, you shouldn’t have needed to screw up to realize the girl you’re interested in deserves better. You shouldn’t have needed her to scream at you or cry in front of you or give you an ultimatum to realize she deserves more respect. You should have treated her well from the start. You shouldn’t have been an asshole to someone you expected to stay.

With some girls, you won’t get a second chance. You’re lucky enough to get a first chance. You’re lucky she’s agreed to let her walls down and open up to you when she could easily walk away and protect her feelings from getting hurt. You’re lucky she likes you enough to risk letting you into her heart. You’re lucky she has decided to escape her comfort zone in order to be with you. You’re lucky she’s put her trust in you — so the last thing you want to do is break that trust.

With some girls, you won’t get a second chance. Even if she really likes you, even if she had her heart set on being with you, she won’t lower her standards for you. She won’t settle for someone who could stomach hurting her, even once. Even if it kills her, she will walk away from you. She will find someone new, someone who would never do her wrong, or she will find happiness on her own.

With some girls, you won’t get a second chance, so make sure you don’t screw her over. Make sure, if you’re serious about her, you show it. Make sure she never doubts how much you care. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.