You’re going to lose her as soon as she starts feeling unappreciated, as soon as she starts questioning whether you even care about all of the sweet things she’s done for you, as soon as she wonders why she is bothering to be nice to you in the first place.
You’re going to lose her if you forget to thank her for everything she does for you, if you forget to compliment her on her inner and outer beauty, if you forget to remind her how thankful you are to have her in your world.
You’re going to lose her if you start taking everything she does for granted, if you assume she’s always going to be there no matter how poorly you treat her.
You’re going to lose her if you stop flirting with her, stop doing favors for her, stop putting any type of effort into her, because you assume you don’t have to try anymore now that you’re officially in a relationship.
You’re going to lose her if you assume she owes you, if you never thank her for cooking for you or cleaning up after you or paying for dates because you consider it her job.
You’re going to lose her if you treat strangers better than you treat her, if you’ve grown so comfortable with her that you no longer see her as a human being and start viewing her as your property.
You’re going to lose her if you take from her without giving anything in return, if you let all of the responsibilities of the relationship fall on her shoulders.
You’re going to lose her if you forget how lucky you are to have her, if you take advantage of her soft heart, if you take every little thing she does for you for granted.
No matter how confident you are she’s going to stay, the truth is, you’re going to lose her as soon as she starts feeling unappreciated. Unbalanced love is the worst love. Unbalanced love isn’t a sustainable love.
Right now, she might be too blinded by her feelings for you to realize she isn’t receiving nearly as much as she’s giving — but after enough time she’s going to come to her senses.
She’s going to realize it’s unfair she’s poured so much effort into your relationship when you’ve given her so little. She’s going to realize there’s no reason for her to remain in a relationship where she feels unappreciated and unvalued. She’s going to realize she can do better than you.
Be careful because you’re you’re going to lose her unless you start saying thank you for all of the sweet things she does for you and start doing sweet things for her too.
You’re going to lose her unless you change your behavior, change your attitude, change the amount of effort you’ve been exerting.
You’re going to lose her unless you start treating her better, unless you start putting your fair share into the relationship, unless you recognize how much she has done for you and how much she deserves in return.