Never Date A Girl With Anxiety
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you are comfortable with silence. Because there are some days when she won't feeling like saying a word.

Never date a girl with anxiety unless you are willing to give her the reassurance that she craves. Reassurance that she isn’t being a bother. That she isn’t talking too much. That she isn’t texting back too fast. That she isn’t being as annoying as she thinks. You need to give her reassurance that you still like her. That you haven’t gotten bored of her. That you would never dream of cheating on her. That she is the only person for you.
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you are comfortable with silence. Because there are some days when she won’t feeling like saying a word. When she will just want to cuddle with you in the quiet. There are going to be some days when she won’t want to talk about what’s bothering her. In fact, there will be some days when she won’t even be able to put her finger on what’s bothering her, because nothing specific triggered her anxiety. It just appeared out of nowhere.
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you are okay with the fact that shit happens. Sometimes, she would rather stay home than leave the house for a date. Sometimes, she would rather stay in bed than get dressed. When that happens, she doesn’t want you to look at her with disappointment. She doesn’t need you to make her feel like a screw up. She already feels that way most of the time.
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you understand that it is not her fault. She can’t control the obsessive thoughts that pop into her head. She doesn’t want her hands or her voice to shake. She doesn’t want to hide inside of bathrooms and cancel plans at the last second. But she can’t help it.
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you are willing to put effort into the relationship. If you take too long to answer her texts or act distant even though you’re sitting face-to-face, then she is going to overthink. She is going to assume that you aren’t happy with her. She is going to drown in her insecurities.
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you are willing to make plans ahead of time. She won’t be happy if you spring something on her. If you tell her that she’s having dinner with your parents or going to a friend’s house party at the last second. She isn’t a fan of surprises, because she likes to plan ahead. She likes to have the chance to mentally prepare herself for socializing.
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you really like her. Unless you mean it when you tell her that her anxiety isn’t a deal breaker. Unless you can look her directly in the eyes and promise her that you aren’t going anywhere.
Never date a girl with anxiety unless you are going to treat her right. Unless you are willing to love her with all your heart on her good days and on her bad days.