4. A mysterious window was hidden inside of my childhood home
“The window in my childhood home that I couldn’t find from inside the house. I feel like it would be easy to find if I were there now, but a little part of me believes the window only existed on the outside.” — myFriendDario
5. My mother is hiding a dark secret from us
“What my mother is hiding from us. We know nothing about her past and childhood aside form very few stories from my grandmother before she died. She’s more or less cut herself off from her entire family (they’re all really weird and sort of crazy – lots of bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, etc). My sister and I have spent our entire lives in the dark on basically everything, and she refuses to talk about ANYTHING.
While I understand there might be shit she doesn’t want to talk about, it’s not really fair to us. There are mental problems on her side of the family we need to know about because we have her fucking genes, and she’s essentially keeping some really, really important shit from us. I wouldn’t care nearly as much if she hadn’t randomly teased us with information as teenagers, refusing to elaborate, but explaining she went to an alternative school and didn’t want us to turn out bad.
Now, this is significant because my mother is the perfect picture of a mom-mom: mom jeans, wolf sweatshirt, fanny packs, she quilts, reads exclusively murder mysteries, and gardens like crazy. Oh, and works at an elementary school. So for her to radomnly drag my sister and I out of bed at 4am on a thursday to explain this to us, and give us NO DETAILS as to why…
It’s been over a decade since then and we haven’t seen anyone from her side of the family, and she won’t talk about them. My sister and I suspect she was knocked up or something, and we want to know if we have a sibling we never knew about floating around out there. It would change our lives.
I dunno, I know it’s her business, but when you have kids and burden them with your genetics, you kind of owe some level of honesty and clarity to them. She’s willingly severing us from half our lineage. I can trace my father’s line back centuries, and I find that kind of thing to be really, really important to me. With her, I had my grandma, and that’s it. She lives in her own world though, and I’ve realised with adulthood that my mother is a psychological train wreck and can be a horrible person.
I just feel bad for my dad. He’s losing his mind. She’s a stick in the mud and it’s only gotten worse over the years. Least he has his kids, we hang out with him all the time.” — DefconDelta88
6. My mother’s autopsy records were destroyed
“Pick one:
Mother killed herself and autopsy records have been destroyed. No one saw her body.
What happened to my high school ex – died of apparent drug overdose but where did he get liquid morphine and who propped his dead body on his front steps (post mortem)?” — [deleted]