25 Traumatized People Share An Unsolved Mystery From Their Dark Past

20. I saw glowing orbs float through my bedroom

“I was up late one night on the phone with my girlfriend at the time. I was laying on the bed in the dark and just staring off into the middle of the room talking and not really paying attention to anything other than the phone call. When all of the sudden in the middle of the room these green orbs appeared on the floor. The best way to describe would be about the size of tennis balls and the color of tennis balls, except they were glowing and didn’t look solid. One seemed separate and the other three were like kinda mushed together, but all of them were in the same general area. I thought maybe it was those spots you get on your eyes when you stare at a light too long, but those lights move with your eyes and don’t stay in the same spot. I closed my eyes and opened them. They were still there. I even told my girlfriend to assure that I wasn’t crazy and it was real. They got brighter and went from very dim to pretty bright. Slowly illuminating the room and looking very much like glow sticks glowing. When they reached their peak brightness they dimmed at the same rate they brightened then disappeared. I will admit it sacred me too much for me to get out of bed when they were glowing, but after they dimmed I scurried over to the spot and turned on the lights and frantically searched the area to find the source. I never did find out what it was or what caused them. It was just weird. That was at my dads house though and weird stuff happens there sometimes.” — Boomnuke35

21. There was a strange man in my house

“When I was 4, I saw a man in my house (I lived alone with my mother). He was in the adjacent room, and he turned to me then disappeared. Then, when I was 15, I was home alone and getting food from the fridge. I saw something from the corner of my eye, and it was the same guy. He looked right at me, then disappeared again. I want to know who he is.” — QTipIndians

22. My cousin went missing

“My cousin disappeared one day. Never a trace to be found.” — whenido

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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