If You Never Want To Sleep Again, I've Got The Home Invasion Story For You

If You Never Want To Sleep Again, I’ve Got The Home Invasion Story For You

My number one fear has always been home invasions. It’s just so rude and unfair that the place you feel safest (home) can become your biggest nightmare if pretty much anyone is determined enough to make it one.

I’ve heard stories of guys who have seen a woman through her window and just locked in on going back and breaking in somehow. I always lock my doors, I’ll shut my shades if I’m likely to be seen changing or something. I have dogs who will bark if they hear a strange noise. But there really is just no way to stop it, if someone wants to get into your house, it’s not that hard to smash a window and overpower whoever’s inside.

Imagine my surprise and fear when I woke up this morning and found that a completely batshit insane home invasion happened just 20 minutes from my house in the next town over, Inver Grove Heights, MN. A local 29-year-old man, Samaji Jamal Clemons, broke into a home randomly in the middle of a summer afternoon to terrorize the mother and son who lived there. According to the local paper:

Semaji Jamal Clemons broke into the Inver Grove Heights home on Friday afternoon and immediately went into the boy’s room and told the boy it was “time to die.”

Clemons grabbed the boy from behind and brought him into another room, where the boy’s mother was, where he repeated “it’s time to die” and punched the woman in the face.

When the boy tried to protect his mother, Clemons punched the boy in the head and face. The boy managed to escape and run to a neighbor, who called 911.

The boy then returned with a box cutter and tried to help his mother. Clemons took the box cutter away and as the boy tried to stop him, stabbed the woman in the back. He sat on the woman, told the boy to look away, and then cut the woman’s throat.

During the assault, Clemons told the woman several times that she was going to die, saying “be ready to die,” and “you’re going to die” and “you’re dying.”

Officers arrived shortly after and found blood all over the floor and heard the woman in a back bedroom crying for help. Clemons walked out of the back bedroom with blood all over his pants and shoes.

St. Paul Police Department

Officers found the woman covered in blood with puncture wounds to her back and a deep cut to her throat. She received 10 stitches to her throat.”

What a brave little boy.

Both the mother and son say the attacker was a complete stranger. The man has now been charged with attempted murder and is off the streets for now.

Lock your house up and stay safe out there people. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Emily Madriga