Chrissy Stockton
21 People Who Are Embarrassed About The Way They Died
He was wearing the suit in hopes of convincing people they had seen Bigfoot.
31 Essential Quotes For Singles
My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.
11 Types Of People We Should All Unfriend
if unhappy is your default setting, other people can’t afford to be around you.
Are Aliens Real? 10 Things That Might Make You Believe
There’s basically a giant space ship at the bottom of the ocean.
The Meanest Boyfriend Ever, In The History Of The World
He waited until his girlfriend was asleep and then did this:
17 Instant Anxiety Cures
Read Mindy Kaling’s Twitter feed.
7 Signs You Are A Critical Thinker
You’ve never said the phrase “you just set the women’s movement back 50 years.”
This Infographic Will Tell You Exactly What You Want To Watch On Netflix
Outsource the most taxing chore of our time (deciding what to stream tonight) to this infographic.
What Your 90s Crush Says About You
You went to a liberal arts college and majored in something that people make jokes about.
10 Sweet Perks Of Being A Woman (Or Not Being A Man)
Chick lit, makeup, pedicures, long bubble baths—these are some of the best parts about being alive. No one questions my manhood because I like to feel good and indulge in life’s little pleasures.
11 Stages Of A Break-Up (In Gifs)
4. You go through a #dark mental space
13 Things Men Need To Stop Saying
Your ex is absolutely not an actual crazy person, and if she is, you should probably think of a kinder way to say it.
19 Reasons Dogs Are Better Than Humans
You could work your entire life to be happy and you will still never attain the level of unadulterated bliss a dog feels when you merely walk in the door.
12 Status Symbols For 20-Somethings
The absence of BYOB on your event invitation is the chicest status symbol of our time.
11 Things That Are Not Your Responsibility
Unless you are a sex worker and they have paid you, this is not your job.
31 Quotes That Will Change The Way You View The Media
If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle. -Hillary Clinton
9 Rules To Win Every Argument
Say what you are saying as simply as possible. Your goal isn’t to show the other person how smart you are, it’s to convince the other person to see things your way.
22 Reasons Minnesotans Are Having A Better Summer Than You
Close your eyes and imagine the most delicious food you can think of. Fry it and put it on a stick and you can buy it at the state fair.