Chrissy Stockton
13 Little Advantages Every Woman Has At Her Disposal
Genitals that are tucked up neatly inside your body rather than hanging precariously between your legs.
11 Foods You Must Eat When You Visit Minnesota
You may have noticed a trend in this list: all food in Minnesota is a shade of white.
7 Valentine’s Gifts Every Girl Wants From Her Boyfriend
No, not a journey necklace.
12 Terrifying True Stories From People Who Will Never Forget Them
He looked me dead in the eye and said in a quiet, steady voice “All the better to stab you with.”
Hi, I Am Amy Glass
Will you insist that reality is nuanced, or demand that it is black and white?
13 Short, Creepy Stories That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You
“She developed her disposable camera film to find a roll of film with numerous pictures of her sleeping at night, on different nights.”
13 Reasons Why Country Girls Make The Best Girlfriends
Our dads will take you fishing and hunting. They might even teach you a thing or two.
23 People On The Creepiest Experience They’ve Ever Had
A man I never knew existed lived in my apartment for months.
5 Extremely Scary Murder Cases In Recent History
“We’re gonna have a great time together Sheryl.”
13 Things That Happen When You Date A Girl Who Loves Her Dog
6. You’ve given up on arguing that the dog cannot sleep in the bed.
23 Things All Girls Secretly Want
To be able to freely make whatever choice they want in regard to dress, politics, work or parenting and without it making them a “good” or a “bad” feminist.
25 Things Foreigners Admire About Americans
Who would have imagined a country where MLK was assassinated just a generation ago could elect a black president now?
19 Quotes For People Who Know Fashion Is An Art Form
Fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not about brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you.
10 Freaky Videos For People Who Can’t Resist Scaring The Crap Out Of Themselves
The caller sounds disturbed out of his mind, claiming to have just been dismissed from his job at Area 51 and is now seemingly on the run for his life.
Here’s Lorde’s ‘Royals’ If It Were Written For 20-Somethings
Royals = high school student partying sans student loan payments.
13 People’s Real Experiences With ‘The Slender Man’
The more you know about him, the more likely he is to come and find you.
10 Signs You Should Just Marry Your BFF And Get It Over With
Romantic relationships are always drama filled, your BFF is more fun and less work than a boyfriend/girlfriend has ever been.
The 10 Best Wikipedia Black Holes For Curious People (Who Have No Impulse Control)
Who DOESN’T want to read about all the haunted houses in the U.S.?