Chrissy Stockton

The Myth Of The Hate Click

Offensive articles are also just such a small part of what we do, not only in terms of what brings in reads, but in terms of the actual number of articles we publish.

Why Do We Love Horror?

There are those among us that are just wholly captivated by the darkness…I find that horror aficionados tend to be inquisitive and courageous people, always seeking answers where others fear to tread.

9 Sneaky Ways Your Significant Other Might be Hiding Something

When someone is hiding a big secret, it’s like being on an emotional rollercoaster. They’ll be angry at you when you question them and they’re afraid their secret will come out and then later they’ll be extra attentive — when guilt over their actions takes over.

15 Ways You Know You’re (Finally) Dating A Gentleman

The most shocking thing about your relationship is how simple it feels. It feels like it was always supposed to be this way and you realize all the petty insecurities and immature personality flaws of your past relationships caused a bunch of unnecessary drama you no longer have to deal with. Thank god.