Chrissy Stockton
19 People Share The Reason They’ll Never Drink Tequila Again
I woke up in jail with cuts and bruises all over my face and charges of assaulting two police officers.
17 Basic MAC Products Every Girl Needs
Girl About Town is the universal color, it is literally flattering on every woman.
The Myth Of The Hate Click
Offensive articles are also just such a small part of what we do, not only in terms of what brings in reads, but in terms of the actual number of articles we publish.
11 Insane Addictions From ‘My Strange Addiction’ That Are Straight Out Of A Horror Movie
The show’s Wikipedia page offers up a few possible explanations for its subject’s extreme behavior: Obsessive compulsive disorder, Pica, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Exercise bulimia, Trichotillomania, Body dysmorphic disorder, Dermatillomania, and Objectum-sexuality.
Live Blog: We’re Attempting To Spend The Night In A Haunted Axe Murder House
“Can you make that machine beep once?” A single beep. “Can you make it beep two times?” It beeps twice. It hadn’t beeped twice yet. “Can you make it beep three times?” It beeps three times.
A Man Dug Up The Corpses Of 29 Girls, Turned Them Into Dolls, And Lived With Them In His Bedroom
He told the parents of one of his victims, “You abandoned your girls in the cold — and I brought them home and warmed them up.”
11 True Stories Of People’s Terrifying Encounters With Evil
The door is a good inch or two off the ground so I bent down to see if there was someone standing at our door or the one across the hall. When I was eye level with the crack I saw a pair of boots facing our door.
Why Do We Love Horror?
There are those among us that are just wholly captivated by the darkness…I find that horror aficionados tend to be inquisitive and courageous people, always seeking answers where others fear to tread.
13 Differences Between Dating A Girl Who Settles And A Woman Who Is Satisfied
A woman who is satisfied has a life full of happy relationships with her family and partner and friends, but she isn’t lost in them. A satisfied woman knows you can’t make homes out of other people.
Elegy For My Unhappiness
Buried beneath the avalanche of a too-distant father, who bequeathed to you his guilt.
I’m Going To Admit That I’m Struggling Right Now Because I Hate That We Assume Each Other’s Lives Are Perfect
Seeing someone’s perfect Instagram photos is like being in a haunted house — you may know what you see is fake (or at least only part of the story) but you can’t help having a human response anyway.
9 Insane Times ‘Final Destination’ Happened In Real Life
Frane Selak cheated death 7 times and won £600,000 in the lottery. He was then killed in a freak accident when a sign fell on him.
11 Babysitters Share The Creepiest Thing That Ever Happened While They Were Alone With The Kids
I went over to the bed and tried to ask Justin what was wrong. And he said “They’re here”.
Radical Apathy: How Aggressively Choosing Not To Care Will Make You Happier
Stop watching the news. Stop following unhappy current events. Don’t participate in anything that makes you unhappy. Go outside. Leave. Pretend it doesn’t exist.
What Your Favorite Episode Of ‘Sex And The City’ Says About You
The one where Carrie is fashion roadkill aka “The Real Me” You’re obsessed with fashion.
17 Things Any Man Who Dates A Girly Girl Should Be Aware Of
If you are buying something for us and it comes in pink, get it in pink.
9 Sneaky Ways Your Significant Other Might be Hiding Something
When someone is hiding a big secret, it’s like being on an emotional rollercoaster. They’ll be angry at you when you question them and they’re afraid their secret will come out and then later they’ll be extra attentive — when guilt over their actions takes over.
15 Ways You Know You’re (Finally) Dating A Gentleman
The most shocking thing about your relationship is how simple it feels. It feels like it was always supposed to be this way and you realize all the petty insecurities and immature personality flaws of your past relationships caused a bunch of unnecessary drama you no longer have to deal with. Thank god.