Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
The 7 Dance Moves Of A Drunk White Girl
Follow me on this mystical journey through all things vodka cranberry, too-tight Forever 21 dresses, and miming our way over the N-word in our favorite rap song. For it is greater than your wildest dreams.
7 Things You Need To Start Doing Today
There is nothing worse than listening to people rationalize or justify or downplay the amazing, perfect food that they are about to ingest.
Your Real Love Is The One You Hurt
In some ways, it is a compliment. When you are more rude or flippant or hurtful with a very close friend, it is a way of saying to them, “I trust your love enough to know that it will weather the storm of my selfishness.”
6 Things You Should Never Do In A Relationship
We all know that couple who is constantly “breaking up,” making dramatic exits and carrying on these absurd public fights on a bi-weekly basis because, one can only imagine, they get some kind of thrill from being terrible to one another and making everyone else around them uncomfortable.
The 8 Kinds Of Drunk You Can Be
Then, around 5 PM, you attempt to eat a sandwich to replenish your depleted hit points and end up falling asleep in your dinner plate, covered head-to-toe in a second degree sunburn.
21 Things You Don’t Miss Until They’re Gone
Afternoons spent on AIM with friends, talking about crushes and perfecting your away messages to be the perfect mix of coy and enticing. (No combination of emo lyrics and illegible fonts were too outlandish for the cause.)
The 6 Worst Things About Being A Redhead
It’s not until you go inside and are covered with the kind of sunburn that falls somewhere between “purple” and “my skin is sloughing off in sheets of pain,” that everyone realizes you weren’t kidding.
The 8 Signs Of A Bad Relationship
You have those “silent dinners” you always feared.
5 Things Women Should Start Doing Again
I don’t even mind if my head smells like a dead raccoon by day six, I want to look perpetually Adele-chic and not have to sacrifice four hours of my day’s time with a comb and a flat iron to do so.
7 Stupid Questions We Need To Stop Asking
“Don’t you know that [insert junk food here] is bad for you?”
7 Beauty Routines That Prove Women Are The Stronger Sex
We have all gone for that teased look to get some of that fantastic volume that everyone loves so much, only to realize it turns your entire head into a bird’s nest of knots and pain and struggle for the next several days.
5 Things Men Should Start Doing Again
There are few things more depressing than seeing an entire generation of men who have perhaps one suit at best, and break it out only for weddings, funerals, and any other Extra Special Event that calls for an ill-fitting black travesty out of the recesses of some nightmarish Men’s Warehouse Polyester Emporium.
6 Foods That No One Is Allowed To Dislike
If you don’t “get” avocados, it’s time for you to be pushed off a cliff of some kind, because you are wasting valuable oxygen that the rest of us could be using to more efficiently consume avocados.
What Happens When Real Lesbians Watch Lesbian Porn
Though it comes as no surprise to nearly every woman on the planet that porn is not geared towards us whatsoever, it’s always nice to know that not just straight porn is as off-putting as it is unrealistic.
5 Embarrassing Things Everyone Does In The Shower
Bonus points if you actually use different voices/accents for the different people in the imaginary conversation. That is a prestigious level of shower insanity.
Women Don’t Wear Makeup To Impress Men
It is so much more simple to say, “Stop caring what a man thinks, ladies, you’re beautiful as you are,” than to address all of the myriad reasons why that likely doesn’t apply to her.
5 Emotions You Only Experience While Drunk
Soon, your honger — your hungry anger — will drive you to eat that Jumbo Slice and/or pack of nuggets as though it dishonored your family name and this is feudal China.
7 Things Women Will Always Have To Explain To Men
6. If we don’t orgasm, it’s not to spite you.