This Woman Live-Tweeted About Strangers Falling In Love On A Train And It’s Straight Out Of A Romance Novel

Unsplash / Adi Goldstein and Twitter / @DebraChosen

Oh, how I love trains. Partially because I love zoning out and people watching, but also partially because I always hope my life will take the fairytale turn I’ve always wanted it to and I’ll fall in love with a random stranger that sits down beside me. Is that too much to ask???

Well, apparently it is a thing that happens. Twitter user Debra O documented this very situation — except she wasn’t the one who fell in love, but the person sitting beside her.

AWWW! I’m already freaking out, and the story has just begun.

You KNOW something is about to go down.

I am literally SCREAMING.


NOOOO!!! What are you doing to me, Debra?!?! I need to know what happened!!!! Why didn’t you stay on that train?!

I am literally so devastated that I’ll never find out what happened with the train lovers, but I’m just going to pretend they go on to live a happy, tissue-filled life together. It’s what we all deserve, right? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes

Callie is a writer, editor, and publisher at Thought Catalog. Her debut book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ was released in January 2024.

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