This Girl Told Guys On Tinder To Send Her $5 To ‘See What Happens’ And This Is How Everyone Should Be Using Tinder

Twitter / @maggiearch3r

So maybe I was wrong about Tinder being terrible. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s still full of horrible people and horrible things, but when done right, it sounds like an absolute delight. Just ask Maggie, who uses the app to scam unassuming men out of money.

OK, it sounds kind of terrible, I guess, but also kind of genius, right?

Maggie’s profile says it all: “Send me $5, see what happens.”

Twitter / @maggiearch3r

Apparently, that was enough to catch some guys’ attention.

Twitter / @maggiearch3r

Once the guys sent her money, Maggie kept her promise — by unmatching them immediately.

Twitter / @maggiearch3r

I mean, it’s harsh, but she wasn’t lying — she never specified what she’d do. Really, what did these guys expect for $5?

Twitter / @maggiearch3r

Whoever sent her the $10 was really getting ahead of himself.

A lot of people were pretty impressed by her scam, as am I.

Some thought Maggie was an inspiration.

Others, well, not so much.

You know what they say — don’t hate the player, hate the game. Or love both because I’m sorry, this is absolutely beautiful and if you don’t agree, you’re wrong. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes

Callie is a writer, editor, and publisher at Thought Catalog. Her debut book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ was released in January 2024.

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