Brianne McDonald

I feel a bit too old for this, but here we are. – A Memoir by Me

20 Things You Shouldn’t Do In Life

Don’t allow anyone else to define what success means for you. Not everyone is interested in starting their own company or working for some powerful corporation. Success is what you make it and you should never let anyone else diminish that.

A Playlist For When You’re Sad And Lonely

Maybe you hate your job, or your coworkers, or classes have just been really rough. Maybe you just feel a little ‘off’ today and you can’t really explain why. I offer you this playlist in hopes of easing (or heightening) your pain.

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Mormons

Mormons, like any other religion, are filled with wonderful, understanding and compassionate people as well as those whom are judgmental, harsh and unkind; the latter of which are far less common in my experience.