Be The Girl Who Never, Ever Settles “ Be the girl who lives a life that makes her feel complete, while still always leaving her thirsty for more.
Stop Asking Me To Fund Your Travels — If You Can’t Afford It Yourself, You Can’t Travel “ I mean, you wouldn’t ask people to help you pay for a new house for you to live in just because you want one, right? So, why do you think it’s okay to ask people to help pay for your travels to help you experience the culture just because you want to go?
The Final Definitive Case For Why You Should Never Recline Your Seat On An Airplane “ Life is full of things that, technically speaking, we are able to do, but that reasonable, considerate people refrain from doing—because it negatively impacts the other people around us.
8 Reasons Why Music Festivals Are Infinitely Better Than Vacations “ Maybe a traditional vacation will give your body the relaxation time it’s been craving, but a music festival will rejuvenate your soul.
16 Rules That Every Kind, Smart and Compassionate Traveler Follows When They Fly “ Only assholes recline their seats – When stuck in economy, and craving for a little more space, remember everyone else is stuck in economy too. Treat your fellow man with respect—don’t recline your seat.
The Truth Is, You Find Yourself When You Travel “ You don’t have to travel to live this fulfilled, inspired life. But you have to leave what you’ve always known. Because that’s the only way you grow.
What I Mean When I Say Wanderlust “ I want to get sunburnt and lost and find my way so that and the end of the day, I can tell you how wonderful being lost really is because it means you get to find your way back.
13 Questions All Solo Female Travelers Are So Tired Of Answering “ We’re exploring the world in greater numbers year by year, challenging the status quo and proving, not only to others but also to ourselves, just how strong and independent we can be.