Stephanie Harris

Articles by
Stephanie Harris
This One Simple Dating Rule Is Guaranteed To Save You From A Bad Date
If you are single and in your 30s, you’ve inevitably gone on a decent amount of dates. So many dates. Copious amounts of dates. No, seriously, how did you find the time to do anything else?
12 (Not-So-Pretty) Stages Of A Breakup Every Girl Goes Through, Because Girl, You’re Not Alone
Drastically change your appearance.
10 Things You Only Realize Once You’ve Tried Being The ‘Sober Friend’
I decided to scale it back, but first, I was going to begin with a 30-day alcohol detox. Part of me wanted to befriend my liver, and part of me wanted to see if I could actually do it.
This One’s For All The Single Ladies
Recently at work, I was helping a mother plan her 20-year-old daughter’s wedding…
10 Types Of Drunks Your Guy Friends Become On A Night Out
“Is it hot in here or just me?”
I May Or May Not Have Told My Best Friend’s Husband That I’d Give Him A Blow Job, In A Public Speech, At Their Wedding
Hello everyone. It’s your favorite time of the month. No, guys it’s not “blow job week” (or the less exciting way women refer to it: our periods). It’s story time!
10 Types Of Drunks Your Girlfriends Become On A Night Out
“I am going to eat a burrito the size of my head later!”
The 7-Step Guide To Making 100% Successful Selfies That Will Get You Laid
Some girls just can’t seem to get enough of themselves and post selfies constantly…you know who you are.