Sonya Matejko

Writer, Founder & Poet
Articles by
Sonya Matejko
For Everyone Who Has Ever Felt They Were Too Much
I realized that I do not need to apologize for my bursting heart, because it is my heart that makes me all that I am and all that I am to become.
It’s Time To Let Your Guard Down
Here’s the thing: it feels good to let the walls fall.
Today I’m Choosing To Forgive Myself
I forgive myself for all the times I said I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough, good enough, witty enough, and worthy enough.
To The Ones Who Feel Like They Don’t Know What They’re Doing
We’re the ones who get to enjoy every angle, gradient, tilt, and perspective life has to offer. We may have coffee stains and hair that never stays in place, but we’re the lucky ones in the end.
Self-Trust Is The New Self-Care
Of course it’s still nice to get validation and affirmation from people you trust, but it’s transformation to be able to offer yourself that affirmation and let it be enough.
When You Find Yourself At Rock Bottom, Look Up
Look up and remember your potential. Remember your worth. Remember that if you can make falling an art, rising will become your masterpiece.
Sometimes You Have To Lose Something To Find Yourself
When no one or nothing is distracting you from that doorbell ringing, that’s when you can invite in the things that really resonate with your higher self.
Don’t Just Love Me, Be Vulnerable With Me
Don’t just say what I want to hear. Say the things that scare you to speak out loud. Say the things that’ll break the walls we’ve been boarding up for far too long
Make Loving Yourself An Adventure
Move through the forest of your past and into the clearing of your present. Sneak off into the sunset, get to know the moon, and rise with the sun to start all over again.
Read This When You’re Feeling Lost
I am not lost. I am healing.
It’s Time To Allow Yourself To Be Seen
The greatest thing you could ever do for yourself is to risk being seen.
The Girl You Loved Is Gone
We only stay in love with someone as long as we stay the person who loved them.
14 Love/Hate Relationships You Have With Alcohol
Love: I love how well you pair yourself with dinner. Hate: I hate how you make me eat a whole pizza at 3am.
To The Almost Boyfriend Who Never Was
You were never perfect and neither was I. But you at least reminded me that I didn’t have to be.