People With Trust Issues Are The Hardest To Love

People with trust issues have heard it all before and seen it all and they know that hearts change and people eventually let them go.
People with trust issues have heard it all before and seen it all and they know that hearts change and people eventually let them go.
An agent said one of the files he reviewed for this case “is in the top five worst I have ever had to examine.” 🥺
I hope you get to experience the kind of love that makes you blossom and glow.
Dating is beautiful, emotional, vulnerable, and scary wrapped up into one. And because of this mixture, the questions once labeled “taboo” make complete sense and are within your right to ask.
If you let yourself, you could spend your entire life waiting and waiting without ever doing a damn thing.
You need faith during unpredictable times and you need faith when everything around you makes you want to lose faith in life and people.
You allowed them so many chances to change and show you their character and they let you down every single time.
We know how difficult social interaction can be. That’s why we’re going to give you some interesting things to talk about with coworkers and friends!
Sometimes it’s too hard for us to admit that someone we are so in love with and someone that we care about that much could have done something so awful to us.
The New Moon in Libra will be on October 16th, inspiring us to create balance and harmony.
Sweet girl, you are allowed to cry, and your feelings are more than validated. Because it is not about him, it’s about you.
No matter where you are on your journey, accept and honor yourself where you are today.
The truth is we make too many excuses for those we love but we also know that it doesn’t take a minute to text back.
The guilt you feel when setting a boundary is not because the boundary itself is wrong, it’s because of all the deeper, limiting beliefs you have that tell you it’s wrong. That tell you it is selfish. That tell you it is uncaring. That tell you it is dismissive. That tell you it is cruel, or unloving. But the boundary isn’t any of those things. It’s not wrong to want to take care of yourself. It is not wrong to walk away from a love that only ever leaves you feeling unworthy, and trapped. It is not wrong to advocate for your heart. It is not wrong to stand up for yourself. It is not wrong.