This Is The Kind Of Love I Hope You Find After Me

When you gaze into her eyes, you’ll know. You won’t question, you won’t push, you won’t be frustrated. It will be so easy, transparent—everything we were not.
When you gaze into her eyes, you’ll know. You won’t question, you won’t push, you won’t be frustrated. It will be so easy, transparent—everything we were not.
When you decide to date someone, you’re not only committing to a relationship with who you see in front of you, you’re committing to their past too.
Libra women have trouble sticking to a routine because their minds are always changing. Here is everything you need to know about a Libra woman:
Send a funny doctor pun to a co-worker or friend that works in medicine. However these doctor jokes are used, they’re sure to elicit a smile.
When I’m on my deathbed, I’m not going to think, “Oh, how I wish I had spent more time at jobs I didn’t like.”
You deserve to feel seen. You deserve to feel heard and have all of your needs met.
Taurus women cannot stand surprises, so they prefer to stick to a routine. Here is everything you need to know about a Taurus woman:
It’s always a shock when people comment on how little I’ve changed. It’s weird that they can spot me in a crowd, and recognize me straightaway, when the girl they’re looking at is absolutely nothing like the one they think they knew.
They’re already here “If aliens are on this planet, they are likely using the ocean as a place to hide.” — Frequent-Muffin1 “Greys” are android avatars “Greys aren’t fully biological, but rather remotely controlled androids, or that they are biological,…
The struggle is worth it, not for the benefit of the world, but for the change in yourself.
Yes, everyone lives radically different lives, and to make it even more complex, our brains constantly change with the people we meet, the life experiences we have, the books we read, the movies we watch, the parts of the world…
When I was 8-years-old, I began to notice weird, purplish bumps between my legs and under my arms. They would often open, pus, and bleed. As a child, I thought I was hitting puberty.
The world knows Clarice Starling as a strong, confident woman who can take care of herself. Throughout movies, books, and now television, she has undergone tough times.
“Conspiracies are being actively manufactured and promoted as a way to hide actual bad stuff.”
There is no path that is seamless in this life, no course that does not come without turns and the occasional dead end.