How To Remember You’re Not Alone When Your Eczema Is Getting The Best Of You

I’ve had eczema all my life. I am writing this piece to help educate those without skin conditions on how it can affect sufferers on more than just the surface level.
5 Ways To Successfully Navigate Dating And Social Functions With Crohn’s Disease

I knew something was wrong in my early 20s. It was hard enough worrying about fitting in with the popular sorority girls in college.
How My Skin Conditions Helped Me Find My Most Authentic Self

The year is 2010, I am surrounded by four white walls that feel as though they are closing in with each passing second. There was a daunting, deafening silence as I awaited the doctor.
The 10 Things No One Tells You About Divorce

Married friends, acquaintances, and couple-friends all run for the hills when they hear about your divorce. It’s contagious, you know.
Hundreds of Women Share Why They Quit Dating Apps (And Men), Say They’re Happier Single

Psychologists have noticed a trend in the dating world and in dating apps: many women are leaving en masse to pursue happier, more independent lives and focus on themselves.
100+ Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

While these aren’t your usual knock-knock jokes, these funny and random trivia questions are sure to brighten your day!
How Living With Hidradenitis Suppurativa Led Me To Heal My Body Shame

She was only eleven years old. She sat in the backseat of her mom’s minivan, embarrassed and sniffling back the tears. She never missed volleyball practice, but today the pain wasexcruciating.
23 People Tell The Creepiest Case Of ‘Twin Telepathy’ They’ve Ever Witnessed

“I used to date a twin. His twin brother came back from vacation with a broken leg. My ex said, “Oh, I wondered why my knee was hurting.”
How Good Each Zodiac Sign Is At Lying

LEO: You don’t mean to lie. But sometimes, you exaggerate when you tell stories. You dramatize everything to make it sound more exciting.
How To Break The Cycle Of Dating Flaky Men
200+ Music Trivia Questions and Answers

Think you know everything about your favorite artists? Well, think again! We have compiled the best list of music trivia questions and can’t wait to test your knowledge.
250+ History Trivia Questions and Answers

Put your wits to the test with these world history trivia questions to see how much you really know about the world around you.
Maybe They Weren’t Meant To Be Your Forever

We never fall with the intention of falling out. We never fall with the intention of leaving with a broken heart, but we know deep down it’s a possibility.
What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From 2021’s Full Moon In Aquarius

Aquarius – Once again, the Full Moon returns to your sign to give us a nice sense of closure.
100+ Text Conversation Starters That’ll Get a Response Back [2020]

By the end of this article you will surely find your new favorite texting conversation starter.
220+ Science Trivia Questions and Answers

Put on your thinking cap and transport your brain to those beloved science fairs.