Sara Di Tullio

Finding my truth one word (and coffee) at a time.
Articles by
Sara Di Tullio
In 2018, I Hope You Believe In The Moments That Make You Feel Alive
In the new year, I hope you believe.
This Is Me Accepting That I Have To Be My Own Band-Aid
This me accepting that a heart that is broken is still worthy of love.
I Wonder What You Think Of When You Hear My Name
I wonder if my name is a wound that won’t heal. I wonder if every time it gets brought up, you try to sew it back together with the remaining threads of whatever mess this was.
This Is What Happens When You Push A Good Girl Away
When you push her away, you will look for her in everyone else, but no one will quite compare.
I’m Moving On, Despite How Much I Want To Stay
You were never the person I needed you to be. And I know it won’t be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. But I will learn to take things slowly.
Sometimes The Reason Why You Can’t Let Go Is Because You’ve Lost Sight Of Who You Are
You’ve created a world where your happiness depends on other people and without realizing it, you’ve let go of yourself in the process. You’ve forgotten the person you were before them. The person who dreamed, the person who knew their worth. You’ve spent so much time and energy putting your faith in someone else, when the only person you’ve ever needed to have faith in is yourself.
If You Really Care About Her, Let Her Know Before It’s Too Late
She wants the games to end. She wants things to be simple again. She wants to be able to be herself around you like she used to do so easily. She wants to move on from this complicated limbo of almost’s and what if’s. She wants to know that you feel the same because she has absolutely no idea if you truly do anymore.
How To Accept That You Won’t Always Get The Closure You Need
Things aren’t always as cut and dry as they should be. We don’t get the answers that we need to move on. Strings of our past sometimes find a way to tangle themselves with the ones of our future. Lingering feelings and unspoken words make living in the moment a lot harder than it seems.
16 Lies All Anxious People Say To Cover Up How Much They’re Overthinking Things
“It’s not a big deal. I forgot about it anyway.” The truth: I’ve replayed everything that happened a good 100 times already, each time thinking of what could have happened differently.
10 Uncomfortable Signs It’s Time To Make A Change In Your Life
“Meh” has become stamped on your forehead. You say yes too much, because you “don’t care” enough to say no. You put up with toxic relationships and people that treat you like shit. You’re walking around with this nonchalant aura of indifference, but deep down you care more than you let on. “I’m fine” has become your favorite catchphrase.
The ABCs Of Why You Should Never Settle For Half-Hearted Love
Don’t settle, because love is not just a ‘word’. It doesn’t feed you the same lines over and over. It doesn’t say sorry without meaning it. It isn’t something as easy as empty syllables; it understands that actions speak louder.
Just Once I Want To Be Worth More Than ‘Almost’
Just once, I want to give my all to someone who will give me theirs in return. I don’t want to doubt whether or not I’m the only person on their mind. I want to go to sleep knowing that late night conversations will turn into “good morning” texts.
Thank You, Mom
Thank you for letting me be myself no matter what.
This Is Why She’s Scared To Fall For You
She’s scared to fall for you because no one has ever taken the time to stay.
10 Painful Realities Of What It’s Like Growing Up In An Addicted Household
If you haven’t realized it yet, one day you will wake up and see that you are living, breathing proof that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
5 Signs You Picked The Wrong Girl’s Heart To Play Games With
You’re playing with the girl who doesn’t need you. She’s enough on her own, and she knows it. If you’re thinking she will ever shed a tear for you, you can think again.
This Is What You Need To Remember When You’re Thinking Of Running Back To Him
You’ll remember every unanswered call, every doubt he put in your mind. You’ll remember a time when your mood didn’t depend on a stupid text message that read “hi”.
You Don’t Need Him Anymore, It’s Time To Cut The Cord
You were there for him no matter what. But you know who else you were there for? Yourself. Because when he left you hanging, you pulled yourself up.