The Truth Is Sometimes We Change Our Minds About Love

The Truth Is Sometimes We Change Our Minds About Love

The truth is sometimes we change our minds about love and ‘I love you’ becomes ‘I don’t know if I can do this anymore.’ Sometimes ‘I’ll stay with you forever’ becomes ‘I have to leave before I lose my mind’ and sometimes ‘I’ll never break your heart’ becomes ‘I need to take care of my own heart for now.’

The truth is we grow up and realize what we want and what we deserve and it becomes harder to accept the people in our lives who can shake that foundation. Time changes us, our personal circumstances force us to grow up faster or become stronger or more independent. The more challenges and tribulations we overcome, the better we know ourselves and sometimes that means giving up who we used to be, giving up our old beliefs and giving up the way we used to love. 

The truth is some people show us their true colors and it becomes harder to respect them, it becomes harder to love them, it becomes harder to see the future we once saw with them and it becomes harder to trust them. The truth is even if the love doesn’t change once the trust is gone, every day becomes a struggle. The truth is the older we get the more fuel we need to keep a relationship going and we stop tolerating the relationships that drain us.

The truth is sometimes we have to take care of ourselves first, we have to choose ourselves before we become codependent on others and their love. The truth is some people don’t understand that we can’t forgive certain things or forget certain words because they left permanent cuts inside our hearts. We can’t always continue to love people the way we first did and we can’t keep suppressing how we really feel just to make them happy.

The truth is sometimes we change our minds about the people we love and that’s okay because sometimes ‘I love you’ becomes ‘I love myself more’ and ‘I need you’ becomes ‘I need myself more’ and ‘I don’t want to lose you’ becomes ‘I can’t stand losing myself over you.’ The truth is sometimes changing our minds is necessary because it helps us detach from all the shackles of love that stop us from healing or falling in love with ourselves and our lives.

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.