I Hope You Wake Up One Morning And Realize That You’re Not Stuck
There’s a way to change the things that you have control over. There’s a road to new beginnings and new chapters and new doorways.
Rania Naim
I hope you wake up one morning and realize that you’re not stuck. That there’s something you can do about situations that are not working out for you. That life may be difficult but there is still a way to find the beauty in it. There’s a way to change the things that you have control over. There’s a road to new beginnings and new chapters and new doorways.
I hope you wake up one morning and finally find the answers you’ve been seeking. You find a solution to your problems or a way to accept them or a way to deal with them. I hope you wake up one day and realize that you’re not defined by your problems or your circumstances. You’re not a victim of your past or your parents or your toxic relationships.
I hope you wake up one morning and get over that person who broke your heart. I hope you realize there’s more to life than loving people who are not capable of loving you back. I hope one day you project that love onto yourself. I hope one day you realize that you deserve the kind of love you give others.
I hope you wake up one morning and commit to changing the things that hold you back. I hope you know that you can change your life if you truly commit to making different choices, if you can truly do the things that you say you want to do. I hope you know that nothing is as terrifying as you think it is once you actually do it. I hope you always know that even if things don’t work out or go the way you had wished, you’ll always look back and be proud that you even tried, that you even dared.
I hope you wake one morning and find the courage to drop all your fears and go after what you truly want. I hope you don’t let people stop you. I hope you don’t pay too much attention to their words or their judgments or their labels. Some people will always shame you for pursuing a different life, sometimes they’ll give you unsolicited advice without really knowing you or your story, sometimes they ruin beautiful things and they ruin you.
I hope you find the courage to be who you are, even if it means going against these people. I hope you find the courage to follow your voice, to find your own meaning and create a life that makes you happy.
I hope you wake up one morning and truly believe that you don’t have to live someone else’s story and that it’s never too late to start over and write a new one.