Here’s To The Girls Who Are Still Learning How To Love

Courtney Clayton

Here’s to the girls who are still learning what it means to be loved. The girls who grew up with little or no guidance. The girls who had to learn everything on their own. The girls who had to learn everything the hard way. The girls who had no one else by their side when they were in trouble. Here’s to the girls who understood loneliness a lot sooner than they should. The girls who had to start over because their lives kept falling apart. The girls who moved to more than one city to find themselves. The girls who had to fight for their voice. The girls who took the road less traveled and traveled alone. Here’s to the girls who had to survive. The ones who learned to stand up for themselves time and time again.

Here’s to the girls who are still learning how to love themselves. The girls who have anxiety, the girls who have trust issues, the girls who were lied to, cheated on and asked to change who they are so they can ‘fit in.’ Here’s to the girls who learned how to be themselves against all odds. The ones who struggle to wake up feeling like a diamond but they shine anyway. The ones who don’t always walk with confidence but they hold their head up high anyway. The ones who don’t really know where the road may take them but they drive anyway. The ones who are afraid of drowning but they swim anyway.

Here’s to the girls who are still learning that they matter. The ones who weren’t born with a silver spoon and unconditional love and a nurturing environment. The ones who didn’t have a stable life or a happy home or a safe haven to protect them. The ones still trying to understand their past and forget it. The ones still trying to forgive themselves for their mistakes. The ones still trying to move on from their heartbreak. The ones still trying to understand what they deserve and why they shouldn’t settle.

Here’s to the girls who don’t settle, the girls who want more, the girls who want it all, the girls who are willing to do whatever it takes to live a meaningful life. Here’s to the girls still learning that they matter even if no one makes them feel like they do.

Here’s to the girls who are still learning how to be vulnerable. The ones who never truly shared their secrets with anyone. The ones who never got too close because they didn’t think anyone would stay. The ones who always leave because they don’t think anyone can handle them. The ones who often feel like they’re too much. The ones who never really allowed anyone to enter their space. The ones who always have one foot out the door ready to walk away when they feel like they’re falling for someone. The ones who don’t know what it feels like to be in a healthy relationship.

Here’s to the girls who are afraid of love yet they don’t want to give up on it. They know it’s there. They know it will find them. Here’s to the girls who are still learning that they’re beautiful and strong and they deserve to be loved. Here’s to the girls who believe in miracles and are waiting for their own. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Rania Naim is a poet and author of the new book All The Words I Should Have Said, available here.


About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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